Wednesday, July 25

Palestinian wedding: 3 countries, 2 ceremonies, 1 couple

This week, family and friends crossed 
international borders, military checkpoints 
and overcame the usual political bureaucracies 
to attend my daughter’s two weddings. 
Why two weddings? Let me explain.

Like me, my daughter Tamara is a Jerusalemite.
 The bridegroom, Alaa, lives in the Bethlehem
 area town of Beit Jala. It takes minutes to
 move between these adjacent towns, 
but they are kilometers away because 
of the 45-year-old political and 
military situation caused by Israel’s 
occupation of Arab lands.

The situation is further complicated by
 the unilateral Israeli decision to annex
Jerusalem. So, according to Israeli 
law (which not a single country, 
including the US, recognizes),
 Jerusalem is part of Israel and 
therefore under civilian Israeli
 rule, Beit Jala is occupied territory
 and the two are separated by walls 
and checkpoints.

Moreover, Israel provides residency to 
Palestinians in Jerusalem, but not 
citizenship. Well, one may apply for 
citizenship, but it is not guaranteed that
 one will get it, and if one gets it, life is 
further complicated (as thousands of
 East Jerusalemites have found out)
 because Jordan gives temporary 
passport to the stateless Jerusalemites
 and does not allow entry if one
 gains Israeli citizenship as an East 

Israeli residency is attested by the blue
 Israeli ID that Jerusalemites get once 
they reach the age of 16. This ID allows 
Jerusalemites to travel in and out of 
Jerusalem and Israel. However, this Israeli 
ID card is valid only so long as one 
lives in Jerusalem. If one leaves 
Jerusalem for an extended period, 
one loses the right to live or even visit 
Jerusalem, gets treated as a tourist,
 and the Israelis have the right to control 
what to visit.

Which brings me to the crossing of
 international borders.

As with any wedding, guests come from
 near and far. Visitors from the US 
made it after much grueling and 
unnecessary interrogation at borders. 
At Ben Gurion Airport, my sister and her 
Mennonite husband had to explain why 
one of her sons had the Arabic name of 
Jamil. My brother was detained for four 
hours, and called a liar because he 
accurately told Israelis that he was born 
in New Jersey.

While some family members were delayed
 and harassed, they did finally make it. 
Another group of family and friends living
 in Jordan escaped questioning at the border.
 Along with a church group of 28 Jordanians, 
they applied for a group visa to the holy land.

The tour agency regularly conducts such
 tours and they insist that groups apply
 one month earlier. They did. However one 
day before the wedding (two days after 
their scheduled tour) the Israeli interior 
ministry answered by allowing only 18 out 
of the group of 28 to visit.

Among those refused were the pastor of
 the Amman Christian Missionary Alliance 
Church and his wife (who used to come
 many times) a 70-year-old Jordanian, a 
retired woman and two of our nieces. Out
 of the 18, only 10 decided to make the
 trip, many declining to come without 
the spouse or relative that was arbitrarily
 denied entry.

But why the two weddings? Tamara, our 
daughter, works in Jerusalem and uses a
 car with Israeli yellow plates (to be 
accurate my car which she has de facto 
commandeered). Tamara can drive 
between Jerusalem and Beit Jala without 
a problem.

Alaa, who lives in Beit Jala, is not allowed
 to travel or live in Jerusalem without a 
permit. Neither is he allowed to sleep 
overnight in Jerusalem, or drive the car,
 unless he gets a special permit. These 
permits are next to impossible to get if one 
is not a Jerusalem resident. T
o apply for family reunification so that he
 can travel and stay in Jerusalem and Israel
 is very complicated.

The process which used to take a few years
 can now take over 10 years and permit is 
not guaranteed. In order to start the 
process of bringing a spouse to live (and drive) 
into Jerusalem, one needs to prove that
 Jerusalem and/or Israel is the center of one’s

Lawyers strongly encourage couples to
 document their connectivity to Jerusalem,
 and marrying in Jerusalem is one such act. 
However since Alaa's family and friends live 
in Beit Jala this tends to be a problem,
 while it is possible to get a permission for
 some family members to attend a Jerusalem
 wedding, it is very hard to get permits 
for everyone and thus the idea came to 
have two back to back weddings one at 
4pm in Beit Jala followed by a 6:30 pm 
wedding in Jerusalem and then back 
to a reception/dinner party back in 

Carrying out such logistical nightmare can 
only have been done by a film producer 
who can juggle four watermelons at the
 same time.

Thankfully my son Bishara was able to do
 such a feat. Using the wedding invitation
 permits of course were sought and 
received from the Israeli civilian administration
in Etzion for the groom, the best man and close
 family members. Traveling from Beit Jala to
 Jerusalem was not easy. Permit holders 
including groom and family had to use the 
Rachel’s Tomb (much longer) crossing point.

Others with foreign passports or Jerusalem
 IDs (including the Jordanian smaller 
contingency) could use the much faster 
tunnel checkpoint (frequently used by 
settlers). I was on the bus using the tunnel 
but we were still stopped and a soldier 
went up to the bus and checked every single

The young soldier took his time and got stuck 
questioning one rather good looking female 
relative. When we intervened with his officer 
who came up to ask him the reason for the
 delay he replied in Hebrew using the term 
mazgan (air conditioning). It seemed that in
 the heat of the day the soldier preferred the 
coolness of the air conditioned bus than the
 sweltering heat of the outdoor checkpoint.

As we were delayed we had to figure out what
 the best (and cheapest way to communicate)
 everyone had a cell phone but Palestinian 
Jawwal and Wataniya cell phones don’t 
work in Jerusalem and certain Israeli cell
 companies have no agreement with the 
Palestinian companies.

Thankfully our logistics chief has a two 
sim card cell phone with Jawwal and Orange
 and we succeeded in getting word of our
 delay at the checkpoint and made it to 
the Nazarene Church on Nablus Road
 by 6:45. The groom being transported by 
a friend waiting on the other side of the 
checkpoint made it almost at the same time.

The bride in an air conditioned car of a 
Jerusalem friend got to circle around the 
church until groom and our bus arrived 
and we had the second wedding and then 
headed back to a wonderful party that lasted
 till after midnight.

After two weddings and scores of 
checkpoints, nerves and difficulties, 
the happy couple decided to spend
 their honeymoon in Thailand. And 
since the groom is not allowed to 
use Ben Gurion Airport, that means
 one more difficult crossing point: 
the King Hussein Bridge.

Daoud Kuttab is a journalist and
 former professor of journalism at Princeton 

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