Friday, July 20

GW Bush to read "The Pet Goat" during London's Olympics!

A 9/11 Reminder from a 2004 BuzzFlash Editorial: "Minutes of Silence That Should Live in Infamy: As Americans Leapt to Their Deaths from the Twin Towers, George W. Bush Sat Cluelessly in a Florida Classroom, Endangering the Lives of the Children Around Him, Until His Handlers Could Figure Out What to Do With Him." (Includes Booker Elementary School "Pet Goat" Video.)
LONDON - Residents of a London apartment tower went to court Monday in a bid to stop their rooftop being used as a missile base during the Olympic Games, saying the unprecedented deployment could make the building a terrorist target.
Not if they have the world's #1 at large war criminal, GW Bush come over and read "The Pet Goat" sporadically throughout the day during the Olympics.

Just remember he needs a seven minute break every half hour.
The British military plans to deploy surface-to-air missiles at six sites around London as part of a vast security operation for the July 27-Aug. 12 games.

But residents of the 17-story Fred Wigg Tower in Leytonstone, east London, say they were not consulted about the decision. The judge's decision is expected to be announced Tuesday morning.

Their lawyer, Marc Willers, told the High Court that the residents had "a fully justified fear that installation or deployment of the missile system on the roof of the Fred Wigg Tower gives rise to the additional risk that the tower itself may become the focus of a terrorist attack."

They claim the missiles breach their rights under the European Convention on Human Rights, which protects an individual's "right to private life and peaceful enjoyment of their home."
Your rights don't supersede the State, Komrade, why, just look how happy Americans are since the fascists running this nation decided we no longer needed a Bill of Rights.
Missiles also will be stationed at another apartment building, at a reservoir and farmland in east London and along hillsides in south London.

Defense Secretary Philip Hammond has said the missiles — capable of shooting down a hijacked aircraft menacing the Olympic Park — are a prudent part of security precautions intended to provide "both reassurance and a powerful deterrent."

Hammond says objections to the security plans, which also include 7,500 soldiers, RAF fighter jets on standby at nearby air bases and a helicopter carrier on the River Thames, are confined to "a small number of activists."
Gosh, after nearly 10 years of the Global War of Terror against mostly the Muslim world, with new atrocities being committed daily by America and the Brits and NATO and mercs, you'd think we'd be safer.


Gotta keep on killing until we feel safe then!
Intelligence officials say there has been an expected increase in chatter among extremist groups ahead of the Olympics, but there are no specific or credible threats to the games. Britain's terror threat level remains at substantial, the middle point on a five-point scale, meaning an attack is a strong possibility.

In a series of arrests over the last week, 14 people have been arrested on suspicion of terrorism activity. Police insist none of the cases are linked to plots against the Summer Games.
That's right, keep the proletariat guessing and waiting and keep blasting fear and the possibility of death into their ears, until they give up and sit in front of the 'Telly,' oblivious to the world.
Home Secretary Theresa May on Monday insisted that London would enjoy a "safe and secure" Olympics, amid questions from opposition legislators Monday about concerns that a private security firm responsible for about 100 venues still needs to train and accredit about 9,000 guards. .
See if you can hire some thugs, perverts and groppers from the TSA, they're already trained to be imbeciles.

Source: CBS News

If buildings and people start blowing up during this Summer's Olympics, you can bet this nation was behind it, along help from their largest colony....The USA.

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1 comment:

  1. hip hip cherio and all that bloodty rot
