Tuesday, June 2

Israel wants peace so it's army destroys a peace square

Finally you can watch in internet the short documentary film about the remains of the Barcelona Gaza Peace Square that was demolished by the Israeli Army on the night of January 15th, 2009.

Barcelona-Gaza Peace Square was built, 2005, in the neighborhood of Tel Al Hawa, Gaza City, with the support of Barcelona City in the framework of a twinning between Barcelona-Gaza and Tel Aviv.

Now it is time to pose some questions to the local authorities of Barcelona.

While reconstruction is needed for the well being of the inhabitants of Tel Al Hawa neighborhood, we as citizens of Barcelona can not understand how and why our city remains silent towards those who have destroyed it.

They are now discussing to enlarge and reinforce the joint programs to be implemented with Tel Aviv to counterbalance the strong popular movement that has been demonstrating in the streets in solidarity with the Palestinian population and against the Israeli attacks against Gaza Strip.

It looks like Barcelona Mayor, Jordi Hereu, and the Department for International Cooperation, directed by Mr. Manel Vila, decided to secure and guarantee the friendship of those who have sent Markaba tanks to destroy the international community donations, our city donations.

By just sending money to buy construction materials, when they approve to do so, materials that are not granted entry to the Gaza Strip due to the Israeli siege, they will allocate Barcelona as a mayor insurance company covering Israeli behavior and sending them a clear message: “Don’t matter what you do, we will keep on being good partners”. It is costless to destroy, because we will rebuild it and remain silent.

In the framework of the Boycott, Divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel until it complies with International Law, a group of concerned citizens and organizations are sending out a call: Cancel the twining between Barcelona and Tel Aviv.

Send a postcard to mvila@bcn.cat (Manel Vila, Director, Barceldemanding to cancel the twining in the framework of the BDS campaign.

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