Tuesday, July 10

American Security Left In Hands Of Israel VIA Their American Jewish Groups

Jewish institutions throughout the United States will receive $9.7 million in federal anti-terrorism grants this year out of a total of $10 million allocated to not-for-profit institutions by the Department of Homeland Security.
That’s $6 million less than last year. But thanks to sharp cuts this year in the overall pool of money available through this program, the percentage of funds going to Jewish groups has nevertheless jumped substantially.
A full 97% of the available funds in the Non-Profit Security Grant Program for 2012 have been allocated to Jewish organizations, compared with 73% that went to Jewish groups from 2007 through 2010. In 2011, Jewish groups received about 80% of NSGP funds.
The NSGP has disproportionately benefited Jewish groups since 2005, when it was first instituted.

The $10 million NSGP allocation this year represents a drastic cut from the $19 million the program disbursed in 2011.
As the Forward reported last September, there’s nothing in the law authorizing the program that says it should benefit Jews specifically. But several factors, including community education regarding the program and its grant application process, have combined to help Jewish groups in particular to benefit from it.

In her interview with the Forward, Napolitano said that she saw no problem with the overwhelming proportion of NSGP funds going to Jewish groups.
“The fact that it ends up going to many Jewish organizations doesn’t in itself bother me,” Napolitano told the Forward, saying that she thought the program had been successful.
William Daroff, the Jewish Federations of North America’s vice president for public policy, said that the program’s allocations do not reflect political favoritism towards the Jewish community even it got the majority of funds.

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