Thursday, June 21

Corporate Media Exposed

Introducing the brand new website exposing the corporate controlled media:

Help us attend media events and directly confront the mainstream talking heads!

Corporate Media Exposed is dedicated to exposing the lies presented by the corporate controlled media on a daily basis. 
After being awake to the existence of a vast conspiracy to usher in a world government, carried out by globalist and Zionist factions throughout the world, for the last 3 years, we decided it was time to build a website specifically exposing corporate media lies.

Our website will eventually host detailed reports on specific media outlets and specific news reporters. It is time the mockingbird media heads be exposed for the military industrial complex stooges that they are.

If you would like to contribute to our website, feel free to contact us with your work or news tip.

This site was started by Alex Thomas (co founder of and his brother in order to continually and specifically expose corporate controlled media lies. It is 100% independent of any other site.


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