Friday, May 18

"Above and Beyond" for Israel

Is the United States "going above and beyond for Israel?"  According to the Washington Post's Walter Pincus, the answer is yes. In his column today, Pincus asks provocatively, "Should the United States put solving Israel’s budget problems ahead of its own? When it comes to spending, it appears that the United States already is."
Walter Pincus

Walter Pincus
Fine Print
What draws the ire of Pincus in today's column is the fact that nearly $1 billion of additional money for weapons to Israel is working its way through the appropriations process this year, in addition to a record-breaking $3.1 billion in military aid.  We wrote about this development last week in Mondoweiss.

Pincus notes the absurdity of  providing Israel more than $4 billion in weapons this year, even though doing so will likely bring the United States closer to painful across-the-board budget cuts next year.  He writes: "So here is the United States, having added to its own deficit by spending funds that it must borrow, helping to procure a missile defense system for Israel, which faces the threat but supposedly can’t pay for it alone."

Read the entire column here.

After you read the column, please add a positive comment to Pincus's brave truth-telling and then spread the word to your friends via social media.

You can also write a letter-to-the-editor in support of the column.  Instructions on how to do so are here.

Let's make sure that the Washington Post hears plenty of encouragement and support from us for printing such an important opinion!

Of course, we've been making for case for years that military aid to Israel comes at a moral and financial cost that we simply can't afford.  Learn more about the budgetary trade-offs and the moral impact of providing weapons to Israel at our websites

Pincus's column is yet one more piece of evidence that discourse around U.S. policy toward Israel and the Palestinian people is changing in dramatic and positive ways.  Help us continue this momentum by signing up to receive a packet to educate and organize people in your community to end U.S. aid to Israel.

When you do, you'll be joining activists in more than 1,000 cities across the country who are doing this work and helping to shift the discourse as a step toward ending U.S. complicity in Israel's human rights abuses of Palestinians.

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