Sunday, May 8

No you can't check the accuracy of the US government's official story

http://WRH- Authorities are reported to be considering demolishing Osama bin Laden's hideout in the garrison town of Abbottabad to prevent anyone from checking the accuracy of the US government's official story.
Just like they did at Fort Marcy Park.
Just like they did at Waco.
Just like they did at Oklahoma City.
Just like they did at at the World Trade Towers.

Al-Qaeda compound facing the wrecker's ball 

PAKISTANI authorities are reported to be considering demolishing Osama bin Laden's hideout in the garrison town of Abbottabad to prevent it becoming a rallying point for extremists.
The walled compound where bin Laden was killed when US forces raided in the early hours of Monday has been transformed from mysterious hideaway to tourist attraction.
"The crowds have been getting bigger every day," said Hasnat Ahmed, a 22-year-old engineering graduate who can see bin Laden's compound from his rooftop. "We are not sure about international tourism yet, but I think we will be getting plenty of people from Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi."

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