Alleged Information Obtained From Bin Laden Raid Hoax Being Used To Spread More Bogus Terror Fear
By Lee Rogers
Clearly, this Bin Laden death story has given the establishment a blank check to claim that there are any number of potential terror plots directed at the United States and they are certainly taking advantage of this opportunity.
Here's one report talking about the prospect of terror plots being directed at softer targets such as trains and bridges.
Here's another report talking about the prospect of a 9/11 anniversary terror attack.
Rest assured there will be many more of these stories surrounding new Al-Qaeda terror plots as a result of the supposed Bin Laden compound raid. This will allow the operatives in the corporate controlled media to spread more hysteria and fear detailing the possibility of a potential terrorist attack which will once again attempt to provide credibility to the fake terror war. It will also provide the establishment further justification for the Transportation Security Administration to enact more controls over the transportation system of the United States. It doesn't matter that the chances of an American cititzen dying as a result of a terrorist attack are slim to none, the media is going to continue repeating these terror plot lies because this is at the heart of a campaign to brainwash the American people with fear.
Make no mistake about it, the story surrounding Bin Laden's alleged death is a major operation that will be used for a wide variety of purposes and this is just one of them.
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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