Thursday, January 27

Urgent Call from Egypt (Please circulate)

Please circulate as wide as possible

A Call to the People and Governments of the Free World

We call upon all of you to support the Egyptian people's demands for a good life, liberty and an end of despotism. We call upon you to urge this dictatorial regime to stop its bloodshed of the Egyptian people, exercised throughout the Egyptian cities, on top of which comes the city of Suez. We believe that the material and moral support offered to the Egyptian regime, by the American government and European governments, has helped to suppress the Egyptian people. 

We hereby call upon the people of the free world to support the Egyptian people's non-violent revolution against corruption and tyranny. We also call upon civil society organisations in America, Europe and the whole world to express their solidarity with Egypt, through holding public demonstrations, particularly on People's Anger Day (28/01/2011), and by denouncing the use of violence against the people.
We hope that you will all support our demands for freedom, justice and peaceful change. 

Egyptian National Coalition


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  1. Anonymous4:12 pm

    we are all with you

  2. Anonymous4:11 pm

    May wisdom and peace come back to our beautiful Planet Earth. Thank you Egyptian people for speaking up against the corrupt system that is dragging us ALL down. I am Canadian and I realize I no longer live in a democracy. May the people find their power and live in peaceful prosperous communities around the World. May those who are ruling through fear and the desire to control other for their own greedy agendas see that they will only end up destroying themselves and that money is not the answe personal integrity and dynamic creativity creates a better world. PEACE PEACE PEACE!

  3. Anonymous7:57 pm

    Thank you Egypt. I am in the USA and I do not believe a few in high places should ever be above the will of the people that they work for. I don't like what you are having to go through but it takes UNITY. WE must have UNITY. It is the unity of the Elite that oppress the people. I know A Higher Power that will bring them down. There rule will not stand.

  4. Anonymous10:34 pm

    Egyptian People: We here in America are behind you 1000%!!! People world wide WILL BE FREE OF ALL TYRANNY!!! You are furthering the 'cause' for Freedom for the whole planet! God bless you all, and we pray for your safety.

  5. Anonymous9:28 am

    Peace & Love...
