Tuesday, January 25

SPECIAL UPDATE: Israel's report on the Mavi Marmara & The Palestine Papers

Defending the indefensible:  Israeli lies about the Mavi Marmara
BoatOn 23rd January 2011, Israel released a report justifying their violent attack on the aid flotilla on 31st May 2010.
Here we set out why the attack was illegal and wrong.
Israel had no legal right to prevent humanitarian aid reaching Gaza: Under the fourth Geneva Convention, Israel as an occupier has a duty to protect civilians under its control, ensuring  free unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief. Israel failed to meet that basic requirement. PM David Cameron compared Gaza to a 'prison camp'.
John Ging, then Head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in Gaza, said the international community should 'look for practical ways to break the siege' and recommended 'sending ships'.
Israel had no legal right to board the flotilla: The Turkish flagged ship was in international water. Under international law, all states have freedom to sail ships in international waters – to board this ship was a breach of Turkey's sovereignty.
Israel was not acting in self-defence: Israel's argument that it was acting in self-defence is indefensible: Israeli Forces boarded an unarmed boat using gas bombs, tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition. Civilians on board had every right to defend themselves against this illegal and unwarranted attack.
An independent panel?  Israel appointed the panel to investigate itself – its independence can be judged by the appointment of David Trimble, a founder member of the Friends of Israel, as one of two foreign observers.
Israel's account is full of lies: If they had nothing to hide they would have given back evidence taken from those on board.
For an accurate, official report visit UN Human Rights Council.
A message from the Chair of PSC on the Mavi MarmaraHugh
'White-wash' doesn't adequately describe the 300 page report issued by the Israeli Government on Sunday. Reading Sarah's harrowing account of the vicious and unprovoked attack on the Mavi Marmara, you could be forgiven in trying to work out what international law allows a country to board a ship in international waters, assassinate 9 passengers and injure over 50 others.
Well of course, there is no law that that allows the Israeli government to behave in this way. Yet year after year, with arrogance and impunity, they get away with it. PSC's role is to hold Israel to account for their illegal actions and to hold the international community to account over their inaction.
To do this we need your support - unlike the well resourced Israeli Government spin machine, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign survives through the generosity of its members and supporters.
This year going to be a critical in our campaign to support the people of Palestine – to win the argument and achieve justice we need your support. If you are able to make a donation, however big or small, please click here.

Thank you.
 Hugh's signature
Hugh Lanning
Palestine Solidarity Campagin
Eye witness and PSC Director Sarah Colborne gives the facts about the Israeli military assault
"In the early hours of May 31st myself and 600 peace activists were 70 miles off the coast of Gaza. On board our boats were 10,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid for the besieged people of Gaza – baby milk formula, electric wheel chairs, cement.

All of us on board the Mavi Marmara and the other ships that made up our international flotilla for peace and justice had the simple objective of highlighting the morally bankrupt and illegal blockade on Gaza.

At just after 04.00, the Israeli assault began. Warships, helicopters, speedboats and submarines surrounded us. Israeli military, armed to the teeth, descended from helicopters. The final toll of the attack on the flotilla was nine passengers dead and over fifty injured. Some were shot five times. Others were killed assassination style – a single shot at close range to the back of the head. Three Israeli commandos were disarmed and taken below deck to receive medical treatment – hardly the act of violentpassengers. No Israeli commandos were killed. Weapons taken from the soldiers were not used against them.  

As I heard the news that the attack on the Freedom Flotilla had been declared legal by the Israeli Government, the images of that massacre returned.

No whitewash of an enquiry can deny the reality. For those of us on the boat that day, and for millions across the world, our resolve has been strengthened – we will free Gaza, we will free Palestine ". 

The Palestine Papers – The truth about the peace process
There are 1,600 internal negotiations documents about the Palestine/Israel peace process, dating from 1999-2010. 
The 'Palestine Papers' are available on Al Jazeera's and The Guardian's websites:
Commentary on the Palestine Papers:

This seemingly endless and ugly game of the peace process is now finally over
"The peace process is a sham. Palestinians must reject their officials and rebuild their movement"
By Karma Nabulsi
Why is there no Palestinian state? Because the Israeli government's objective is not a Jewish state, but a Zionist one. 
By Alistair Crooke

Livni: A lawyer 'against law'?


The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) aims to raise public awareness about the occupation of Palestine and the struggle of the Palestinian people. PSC seek to bring pressure on both the British and Israeli government to bring their policies in line with international law. PSC is an independent, non-governmental and non-party political organisation with members from communities across the UK. Join PSC today!

Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Tel: 020 7700 6192
Fax: 020 7609 7779

Email: info@palestinecampaign.org
Web: www.palestinecampaign.org


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