Friday, January 28

If you are in Egypt or any where else where there is Censorship you will find this useful!

 Hacktivism in Egypt- Please Spread Widely
Useful information: 

If you know anyone in Egypt right now please send them this info to allow folks
to get around Egypt's censorship.

IP Address:
Web site addresses are actually a code that gets translated into the actual computer-language address that the site is at. A government can try and disconnect the alphanumeric address ( from the real computer language-address ( but you can still enter it by using these:
for twitter ""
for google ""
for facebook ""

Another way to get around any sort of censorship is to route your internet through a series of random servers around the world. This makes it nearly impossible for the government to block your access. (i.e. A hypothetical example is this: Say SF airport wants to stop flights from going from SF to Dallas. But they only control the SF airport. Its a lot harder to stop flights from going SF-Denver-Dallas or SF-LA-Dallas since they can't control those airports. Hope that makes sense.)
So they can get access to it tell folks to download Tor which allows them to do this. It is awesome. Its a bit slower but totally designed for this kind of thing.

Hope all is well,


PS- This info applies to folks in any country to sidestep government censorship- China, Iran, etc.
PS- Protests have started in N. Yemen, citing solidarity with protestors in Tunisia/Egypt

Shorter version for forwarding:

for twitter ""
for google ""
for facebook ""
for all internet (slower and requires download)


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