Thursday, December 9

Water over Rock by michael hall

For those who are not free

Within their shackled hands are the means of freedom
With the passion of their faith and fortitude
Only with these tools can the unfree become free

You must unify first and foremost
Nonviolently non-cooperate with every israeli law,rule,order and edict
Refuse to pay your taxes, serve nor work for any israeli
Don't buy nor sell, trade nor barter even a crumb or dust of land

Then you need to empty your cities,towns and villages
Come out one and all with every Palestinian child,woman and man
Walk,run,ride east,west,north and south
Take nothing but some food and water

Go the checkpoints and flow around them like water over rock
Ignore every dictate,every command they scream at you
Every wall,fence, is a illusion,a ghost that is not there
The roads you cannot travel? Use them with impunity

Go to Jerusalem and go anywhere there with a smile and awe
Go to Tel Aviv and visit where ever you choose
Walk in on the knesset and every courthouse you come to
Find every settlement,every colony on Palestinian land and walk on it like you own it,since you do

The repressed are responsible for their reactions to enslavement
Only the oppressed can set themselves free
Only the imprisoned can break the chains that bind them
If you really want to be free,realize you are free by acting as you are

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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