Thursday, December 16

Urgent: Oppose Today's House Resolution Denying Palestinian Self-Determination

I'm not sure if anyone saw this, but the House is voting on this resolution as early as today.

URGENT ACTION: Oppose Today's House Resolution Denying Palestinian Self-Determination.

1) Please sign petition.

2) Call your local congressperson immediately. Their phone number can be found by entering the address you're registered to vote at via

3) Also, please call
Rep. Bob Filner ASAP. He is the pro-immigrant, pro-int'l law, very progressive congressperson representing far south San Diego and may be running for SD mayor soon so he has an incentive to listen to the concerns of UCSD students. He also has spoken at Gary Fields' class.
DC Office: (202) 225-8045 San Diego Office: (619) 422-5963



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