Tuesday, March 23

Auschwitz Death Camp Doctors' Documents Found

Ah yes, it's Passover, so let us wave Nazis at everyone one more time. Yet note carefully that there is nothing in the newly found documents that supports the claim that Aushwitz was anything other than a forced slave-labor camp. The various appellations applied, such as "sadistic", and "murderer" are the preconceptions of the article author and the museum curator.

Now, do not get me wrong. The Nazis were total assholes for much the same reason that the present US government are assholes, for their constant invasion of other countries, the looting of their resources, and the use of torture.

But truth is the first casualty of war and there is little doubt that the slave-labor camps in Nazi Germany in which millions of all races (including even Germans) died of Typhus epidemics, have been "spun" into death camps pointed solely at the Jews, to trick the world into allowing Israel to do to Palestine, what the world united to prevent Hitler from doing to Poland.


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