Wednesday, February 10


Thanks to Debbie Menon for the following three items


Gaza in Plain Language

By Joe Mowrey/ Anthony Lawson

It really is time that the story of what is being done to the oppressed people of Gaza gets as wide a coverage as possible,
in these days of overt and blatant mainstream-media bias for Zionist Israel.

If it arouses your anger and compassion as much as it did mine, when reading Joe Mowrey’s fine essay and editing the video, please share it with as many people as you can.

The article “Gaza in Plain Language”, by Joe Mowrey, first published by Dissident Voice ( in-plain-language/), was brought to my attention by Robert H. Stiver, and I immediately agreed to do a video treatment of it. Joe and I shared the research effort, and we would like to thank all of those whose video and photographic work is included in this chilling tale of a fledgling nation gone mad. We have used this material in good faith; as fair comment; for no personal gain and in the interests of truth and justice.

We have not been able to contact and thank every contributor, personally, but we do so now. Without your efforts, which were so much more harrowing than ours, because you saw the slaughter, the devastation and the grief first hand, this video would not have been possible. We dedicate this video to the people of Gaza, and to all of those decent people who are trying to help them.

Although some people will attempt to characterised it as such, what I have read and the pictures put to Joe Mowrey’s words do not amount to anti-Semitism. If it needs an “ism”, call it anti-Nasty-Peopleism. Which is an ism that decent people, the world over, should adopt and develop, because if we don’t, the nasty people will always win.

Many thanks to Kim Peterson, Joshua Frank and Sunil K. Sharma of Dissident Voice, where one will always find unflinching commentary in support of human rights and social justice. Also thanks to the Coalition for Prisoners’ Rights (CPR), in Santa Fe, New Mexico ( ion.html). The seed for “Gaza in Plain Language,” as well as other articles by Joe Mowrey, was originally planted in the form of a brief commentary called, “Crime of the Month” in the monthly CPR newsletter.

Source links for the statistics relayed in this presentation are available on request from Joe Mowrey, Or better yet, do your own research. You will discover documentation for many more horrors concerning the fate of the children of Gaza than have been elucidated in this video.

-Anthony Lawson

Anthony Lawson

Anthony Lawson (known professionally as Tony Lawson) is a retired international-prize-winning commercials director, cameraman, ad agency creative director and voice over. He used to be known for shooting humorous commercials, but doesn’t find much to laugh about, with the way the world is going, these days.

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Australians for Palestine - Providing a Voice

VIDEO: Gaza in plain language


It is worth sending out another reminder about the postings on our website
just to urge you to watch “Gaza in plain language”. It is a very different
approach to presenting the situation in Gaza. The sober message coupled
with the visual drama of one-sided bombardments, artillery fire and a sorely
afflicted population is a powerful indictment of Israel’s criminal acts. We
need more such reporting instead of the wimpy efforts we are fed every day
by mainstream media. Perhaps if more people knew what Israel does get away
with, there would be more outrage. You might be surprised to read just how
much latitude Israel is given with no accountability for its actions. By
dehumanising its enemies, Zionism effectively takes control of any discourse
and Lawrence of Cyberia tells us just why it matters to know. Until Israel
feels the pinch on all fronts, it is unlikely that we will see any changes.
All the more reason to get on board the global BDS action.

Sonja Karkar

ANOTHER MUST SEE VIDEO: The Zionist Story Parts 1-8

EDITOR’S COMMENT: The following 8-part video by a group of filmmakers known as “Berek Joselewicz” gives a riveting overview of Zionist history and the catastrophe wrought on the majority Palestinian population in their own homeland for more than 60 years to the present day. The whole calculated Zionist enterprise leaves one gasping at the audacity of its founders to deliberately rid Palestine of its population and perpetually ensnare the Western world in its savage undertaking, demanding nothing less than total commitment to, and veneration for, the state of Israel. Includes commentary from courageous Israelis like Prof Ilan Pappe and Prof Jeff Halper who constantly challenge the Zionist lies and myths that have so successfully hijacked world media. It is time for us to speak out in support of the Palestinians as well. Their situation is continuously deteriorating as Israel takes more land for new settlers while reducing the Palestinians to a wretched state without homes, water or any kind of security or hope for the future. Their survival depends on dismantling Israel’s apartheid regime that not only oppresses, divides and discriminates, but also carries out a deliberate policy of ethnic cleansing. The film is a collaborative effort in memory of the Palestinian people.


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