Thursday, December 16

Please call and ask at your local Israeli Embassy !!
How much of " terrorism " is needed
to burn a car ??

Guess what !!
again a miracle !!
God´s hand at work.....
or more probably :  Mossad´s hands at work !!

The Stockholm bomb ,most recently, has failed to blow up .....
again and again.............. like in New York ,Time Square
or in Boston or in England !!!

What a providential coincidence !!!
those Terrorists are getting more clumsy each time !!!
and this time the terrorist even died before the questioning !!

Conclusion :
To know where the next bomb shall fail to ignite ,
please call and ask  your local Israeli Embassy.

Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
coordinator for the planned failures

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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