Thursday, December 16

Never again: The truth about Israel

Is Israel a Jewish state?

In name, yes.

In reality, it is as supportive of the real ethics
of Judaism as Nazi Germany was.

Comments from an Auschwitz survivor.

Powered By YouTube  You don't have to be Jewish to respect the long standing tradition of justice and humanitarianism promoted by real Judaism. I don't know what religion is practiced in Israel - most Israeli politicians are "non-observant" - but to call Israel a "Jewish" state is a fraud. Israel is a state of fascists and gangsters who use Judaism as a cover for their criminal enterprises. To support "The State of Israel" as it currently conducts itself is the most profoundly anti-semetic thing anyone could ever possibly do.    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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