Friday, November 19

Israeli war criminals, US funding Israeli occupation and more
Quote of the day
Ron Kampeas from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency news agency found Cantor's comments extremely surprising, writing, "I can't remember an opposition leader telling a foreign leader, in a personal meeting, that he would side, as a policy, with that leader against the president. Certainly, in statements on one specific issue or another -- building in Jerusalem, or somesuch -- lawmakers have taken the sides of other nations. But to have-a-face to face and say, in general, we will take your side against the White House -- that sounds to me extraordinary." Source

Analysis of newly elected US Congress

U.S. taxpayers are paying for Israel's West Bank occupation

Mystery of who funded right-wing "radical Islam" campaign deepens
(the details are interesting but the bottom line is not controversial: wealthy extremist Jewish Zionists continue to stoke fear and hate and want more wars)

(those with computer knowledge, please download, save, and post on multiple websites because this information is being suppressed). List of Israeli war criminals, pictures and details
see also this Haaretz story about the original sites ( being taken down

Good news: Major Dutch pension fund divests from occupation

Dishonesty and East Jerusalem by Henry Siegman

The Holocaust survivor whose life is in danger again: In the Israeli city of Safed, an 89-year-old man has been accused of treachery for welcoming Arab students. Catrina Stewart reports
(For the record, Safad was one of 530 villages and towns ethnically cleansed of native people in 1948)

New campaign by UNRWA featuring 15 short, personal stories about Palestine refugees (in 15 camps) from all over the Middle East. Watch the films at:

How would you feel if this man was your father or grandfather?

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

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