Friday, October 8

Obama comes Through With Free XRAYS For Americans ....Not


Not, it's not the Obama health care plan.

Its the latest unasked for "gift" from the

Corporate-State-Security Complex.

To make sure everyone's safe...

Mobile x-ray machines...deployable whenever, where ever

without a thought to health or 4th Amendment consequences.

Part of the FEMD Act  (that's the Full Employment for Meddling

Demons Act.)


X-raying you without permission
For your own good of course

A new growth business for America

Is it just me or are the only innovations coming out of the US lately:

1. Creative new ways to kills civilians overseas and at home

2. Creative new ways to defraud the world financial system

3. Creative (and biologically hazardous) new ways to violate the Fourth Amendment.

Hey, does anyone know if the US Constitution is still in effect?

I hear guys swearing to uphold it every day. I assume based on the fact that none of them do anything to protect it and violate it daily that the thing is just a myth.

If that's the case, can we stop paying attention to the 16th Amendment and cease sending them money to harass us and sell us out to corporate criminals they happen to be friendly with?
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