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If they really are serious about avoiding embarrassment, they will have to end the embarrassing occupation. Assuming that won't happen tomorrow , FaceBook,Twitter and YouTube will continue bringing you the IDF's embarrassing moments...
First the YouTube clip..... how it all started...
In this video, an Israeli soldier mockingly wearing sunglasses performs a parody of oriental dance around a young veiled woman, who is motionless against a wall, handcuffed and blindfolded. Background music and the laughing of fellow soldiers are heard in the background.
Then there's Twitter
Twitter photo identifying IDF abuser, Avi Yakobov
Here's his own person photo....
Avi Yakobov, a bro' among Jews, and monster among Palestinians
And here is how some parts of the world look at the incident....
More about this can be read on a Blog called Tikun Olam
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