Wednesday, April 29

God Can Wait

By: Mitri I. Musleh

On Friday April 25, the Palestine News Network reported “Egyptian Minister of Awqaf, Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzoug wrote an appeal calling on hundred’s of thousands of Muslims to visit Jerusalem every year. He referred to this move as a pilgrimage on the level of Mecca.

The Minister was also quoted as saying that “the move would compel the Israelis to recognize the holy city as the capital of Palestinians”.

I would like to thank the Minister for his comment, however, I would like to remind him that the Palestinian struggle is not about religion, God or the prophets, it is a struggle against colonialism, imperialism, racism and occupation. Further, the Palestinian struggle for a homeland includes Jerusalem, as well as every city, town, village and hamlet in the West Bank and Gaza including the right of return to all those Palestinians who have endured decades of brutal and sub human living conditions in refugee camps. While doing so, they relied on very limited UN charity that has not exceeded seven cents per day, per person.

In a way, I have a feeling that Israel would welcome such a move and gladly accept “hundred’s of thousands” of Muslims coming to visit the Islamic holy places. The hard cash the Muslim pilgrimages bring with them into Israel would boost the Israeli economy and further asserts their grip on the occupied land.
Further, the Minister’s statement demolishes the Palestinian hope of ever achieving a just and comprehensive solution in which they have been struggling to achieve for the past 6 decades.

Minister Zaqzouq’s statement lacks in substance and objectivity, therefore, it is misleading and damaging to the Palestinian cause.

The Egyptian Minister firmly declares that “Jerusalem is not just a Palestinian or Arab issue, it’s an Islamic issue”.

By making such a statement, the Egyptian Minister robs the Palestinians of their right to live in peace and be independent and free thinkers in their own state Palestine. It further undermines the fact that Jerusalem is a Holy city that has been blessed of hosting the three most believed in prophets in the world making it Holy not only for Muslims, but also for Christians and Jews to worship in. However and not until the Israeli occupation comes to an end and the Palestinians have secured their own state Palestine and their rights are fully restored to them, I suggest that God and his advocates would have to wait.


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