Friday, October 8

Did Obama Free Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard?

Antiwar radio host Scott Horton and Grant F. Smith discuss the Israeli proposal to free spy Jonathan Pollard in exchange for a temporary illegal settlement freeze to save the sputtering "peace process."  NYU reporter discusses Israeli espionage and lobbying.  Tanya Hsu analyzes Mavi Marmara timeline.

Obama Frees Pollard?
Audio Download:
.00:02:50 Why free Jonathan Pollard?
00:04:35 How long has Israel's lobby been trying to free Pollard?
00:05:00 How does Pollard compare to previous Israel pardons?
00:10:41 Did Obama agree to pardon Jonathan Pollard?
00:14:10 What damage did Pollard cause to America?
00:15:25 Who provided Pollard's "safe house" and secrets?
00:16:16 What is the Israel lobby's strategy to avoid prosecution?
00:20:18 Are US Department of Justice pardons transparent ?
00:21:47 How does DOJ/administration clemency promote Israeli impunity?
00:22:30 Why are FBI reverse sting and Mossad false flag operations underway? (MP3 Audio)
Israel's right hand on Capitol Hill
by Ishan Talukdar - New York University - Washington Square News
The committee definitely has the means to pressure politicians into capitulating to Israeli demands. In fact, AIPAC received funds from the Israeli government itself well into the 1960s. In addition, there have been several incidences and many allegations of espionage perpetrated by AIPAC, or with AIPAC as an intermediary, where information was passed to Israeli officials.
The problem we are faced with is a lobbying group with a substantial amount of power over our politicians. More

New Side-by-Side Gaza Flotilla Timeline Report Discredits Israeli Version of Events
0/07/2010 IBH FCO Report - analysis by Tanya Cariina Hsu
Conclusions show that Israel clearly manipulated evidence to bolster its argument that the attack on the Mavi Marmara was in self-defense against armed violent activists. Using second-by-second analysis, the reports shows how the six passengers killed were victims of execution-style murders by the Israeli soldiers. Report website


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