Saturday, October 16

The ADL, ICNC, and more

The Arab Defamation League (A.K.A. as Anti-Defamation league of Bnai Brith) is an American Zionist organization which focuses on defending Israeli apartheid policies even when those are harming Jews.  ADL just named the top ten groups in the US that they say are most organized in their "anti-Israel" stances in the US (see ).  I am proud to have been a co-founder of one of those organizations and to have served on the board of two others as well actively involved in supporting five others (via donations, consulting, advise etc).  I of course do not agree with ADL on anything including on the idea of measuring impact of particular organizations (I believe grassroot work is critical).  For example, some organizations like the Council For National Interest have significant impact while remaining out of the limelight and also one would have to point out that different time frames in the life of one organization (and longevity) should be taken into consideration. I had my own run-in's with the ADL.  Many years ago we even held a demonstration in front of their offices in Connecticut. They did me the honor of writing a report targeting me personally ( ) as well as targeting my employer (Yale University at the time) to pressure them about having me on their medical school faculty.  In other words, yes, I think those organizations mentioned by ADL (and those not mentioned but doing similar things) should be proud and redouble their efforts to challenge Israeli apartheid in the US.
We just had a three day conference in Ramallah organized by the International Center on Non-Violent Conflict ( ) were both Academics and Activists (and people like me who are both) gathered to discuss and strategize on best ways to educate the masses on power, forms, and structures of popular resistance.  I led a workshop based on my upcoming book "Popular Resistance in Palestine: A history of hope and Empowerment".
Gaza monologues: Performances worldwide to break the siege on Gaza on Sunday October 17.  Join one of the events near you.  Tow of these events are in the Bethlehem area
Other Actions: Olive picking Um Salamona, 9:30 AM Sunday October 17, contact Awad 0598997852
Excellent report on Ahmedinujad's visit to Lebanon
Is Israel an apartheid state? A south African study
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
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