Thursday, July 15

Israel's Nuclear Arsenal - Espionage, Opacity and Future

High-definition video of the July 7 IRmep conference at the Spy Museum "Israel's Nuclear Arsenal: Espionage, Opacity and Future" is now available to watch below and is from the Internet Archive (IA):

iewers may watch specific segments, share, comment on and email this unedited, uncut HD video using IA's online tools. Highlights include:

00:01:00 Jeffrey Blankfort discusses US government refusals to acknowledge Israel's nuclear arsenal.
00:08:01 Why the Israeli, Apartheid South Africa, and ADL spied on US activists.
00:18:43 Grant F. Smith highlights the significance of the declassification and May 6, 2010 release of the GAO report "Nuclear Diversion in the US? 13 Years of Contradiction and Confusion."
00:23:09 Who established Israel's US nuclear diversion and funding network?
00:32:00 Is there any evidence the US officially collaborated in arming Israel with nuclear weapons technology?
00:37:15 Why aren't any high level Israeli or American arms smugglers ever prosecuted in the US?
00:48:52 Sasha Polakow-Suransky reveals South African yellow-cake uranium transfers to Israel's military.
00:56:31 New revelations about NUMEC diversions to Israel that were released after his book was published.
01:09:35 When will Israeli citizens be allowed to openly discuss the implications of their nuclear weapons?
01:14:26 John J. Mearsheimer reviews why states acquire nuclear weapons.
01:15:05 Debunks the argument that Iran would project power over the Gulf with nuclear weapons.
01:28:00 "Strategic ambiguity" doesn't matter since Israel isn't held accountable in the US.
01:31:49 Why Israel's nuclear weapons undermine US interests.
01:38:25 Q&A with US military, government agency, foreign and domestic press, diplomats, NGOs and students.

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