Monday, July 12

Is Window into Palestine An Attack Page or Under Attack?

If any blogs for Palestine can write and post this better, please do. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

In a way you could say that Window into Palestine is more then an attack page, you bet it is!
But the only harming i am trying to do is to the Zionist Israeli Propaganda Machine and their partners here in the West that include the majority of the United States and Canadian Government. Most of the Mainstream Media, Most Financial Corporate Whores, believe me the list continues and it's big.

I am trying to help others that want to wake people up that are brainwashed when it comes to Palestine.

Window into Palestine has over 10,000 pages, started back in July 3, 2006 the first article was posted here The Corporate Media Ignores the War Against Palestinians.

I try and bring the people from around the web to a window where they look and see what's happening into Palestine. Here they can get instant access to the sites that are more better like
Sabbah, and all the great Palestine Blogs located over at Blogs For Palestine.

I have been reviewing what people are saying the web on the current events as they unfold regarding Window into Palestine:
I was surprised that Window Into Paestine, an informative site on Palestinian reality was classified by WOT as "dangerous". It does have many javascripts but most seem just the normal stuff (addthis, google, etc.) Nothing alarming really.

But found that the classification also included red marks for "trustworthiness" and "child safety". Then I realized that it was, with all likehood, suffering from a smear campaign by Zionists, using WOT voting system as a political tool.

The site is as safe as it can get and informative. It's good.
I would have to agree: please help this blog. Spare a moment and contact the following with complaints about what is currently happening.

Google or Blogger

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