Saturday, January 31

I advise the Telegraph to buy a new barrel of ink

Posted by Iqbal Tamimi on Palestinian Mothers
The Telegraph as usual chose to insert some poison in our butter. It has published an article yesterday by Damien McElroy, its reporter in Jerusalem under the heading ‘US envoy George Mitchell calls for quick steps towards Gaza truce’.

The Telegraph says ‘The ceasefire in the beleaguered Gaza Strip was in doubt after Israeli jets carried out dawn bombing raids on tunnels used to smuggle weapons and goods across the Egyptian border’.

As usual the Telegraph is fooling the naive and the idiots or so it think it does. Israeli jets did not carry bombing raids on tunnels used to smuggle weapons and good across the Egyptian border, it carried raids on schools, homes, mosques, state buildings, hospitals, media buildings, and universities. In a nut shell Israel was trying to level Gaza with the ground. UNECEF’s report revealed today confirms that 1,314 Palestinians were killed during the 22-day Israeli military offensive in Gaza, including 412 children and 110 women, as at 19 January.

The number has increased, as rescue services continue to recover the dead from under the rubble. Total number of injuries was 5,300, including 1855 children and 795 women. Handicap International estimates that up to 50 per cent of people injured, including some 430 children, have sustained severe injuries that – without proper rehabilitation – could result in permanent disability.

Does the Telegraph want us to believe that all those victims were in tunnels between Gaza and Egypt borders? Besides why Israel would deny a nation the right to have weapons since it is already an armed military country, no Israeli walk in the streets without being armed. How come it is fine to be armed with the latest atomic bombs while a neighbouring nation should not? What kind of state hooliganism is that? Almost every country in the world has something to defend itself with, why only Gaza people are the ones who are supposed to be unarmed? And why smuggling goods is a good reason to bomb a group of starved to death nation?

The nerve... the rudeness the absurdity of such comments is unbelievable. Something no intelligent human being can swallow. Hence from the Telegraph’s point of view it is justified to bomb the sieged for 18 months Gaza if it was smuggling something along the border?

UK itself smuggled the first European Jewish refugees to Palestine, and helped them and offered them cover when they smuggled all kind of weapons used to commit the massacres against the Palestinians. I hope one can explain to me why does the Telegraph consider smuggling goods, is an act that justifies bombing a nation? Does the Telegraph find smuggling justifies the massacre of Gaza?

The Telegraph reporter says ‘The aerial assault, which put residents of the border town of Rafah to flight for safety, was carried out in retaliation for an Iraqi-style roadside bomb attack on an Israeli patrol that killed one soldier’. But this colleague never mentioned why such a thing happened, and he skipped willingly to mention how many are the victims on the Palestinian side, and why the life of one soldier is important while thousands of killed innocent Palestinians year after year is not. In every report the Telegraph made sure that everyone knows that there is an Israeli soldier prisoner in Gaza and his name is Gilad Shalit but never mentioned any names of almost 11.500 Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli prisons including women, children, elderly, disabled who have nothing to do with the resistance even, and never were trialled according to international law.

The Telegraph report says ‘Israeli officials are furious that Hamas has spurned renewed demands to release Cpl Shalit who was abducted by Hamas in 2007 despite hints it will release hundreds of prisoners in return’. This answers the question that any one might ask about why Israel keeps detaining innocent Palestinians in hundreds, this is only to use them for bargaining whenever it needs to, Israel is not losing anything any way, and they are innocent from the very beginning. When the media start publishing news about the good old Israel who is willing to release 100 prisoners or 1000 for one man, everyone will gasp with admiration, because they think what a wonderful act of charity.

The Telegraph should change its strategy for the sake of its credibility, because thank God new media can bring the truth to every home. People are no longer reading the few newspapers controlled by Zionists and their supporters, or reading newspapers that think itself cleverer than the readers. People now can make comparisons, they have access to many sources and they can smell a nasty barrel of ink when they read such articles.

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