Tuesday, July 20

CIA Disinformation for Dummies

Not all Americans are stupid. Admittedly, most of them are, dummed down by generations of deliberately engineered degenerative breeding[1] , as well as systematic physical, mental and intellectual poisoning, but there is also a distinct, highly intelligent 'master class' of mammon/satan-worshipping supremacist psychopaths and their house niggers . They are running the show.

No wonder then that most of them are so easily fooled into blindly believing the lies of their ruling crime families. A classic example is the recent Washington Post concoction titled 'A hidden world, growing beyond control '. The following points clearly identify it as a CIA disinformation piece.

1. Publication in leading establishment publication

Typically, disinformation pieces appear in one of the leading establishment media such as Washington Post or New York Times. At times, smaller publications such as the New Yorker are chosen for test marketing purposes. In this case, the CIA organ Washington Post was selected as a secret sign for all the other media to provide the article with maximum publicity.

2. Support by pseudo-alternative media

Given the dwindling reader numbers and even faster dwindling credibility of most establishment media it is vital for any aspiring disinformation project to be supported by a massive 'alternative' media campaign. Pseudo-alternative media are easily spotted by the amount of corporate advertising and mentioning in the mainstream media they are receiving. It is fairly obvious that multi-nationals such as VISA, Ford, Daimler Benz and HSBC would not advertise in those media, if they weren't part of the 'controlled opposition'. Typical examples are high-gloss blogs such as Salon[2] , the Huffington Post[3] and Vanity Fair[4] .

3. No significant new information

Very rarely disinformation pieces reveal anything that is not already known to parts of the public. Disinformation campaigns merely repackage the already known information and, with greater publicity, give it a spin that is more palatable to the ruling crime families. The cancerous growth of the U.S. spook industry is nothing new to the American public. It is also known to a growing number of American citizens that the highly profitable illegal drugs industry, in both North and South America, is dominated by the CIA.[5] What the Washington Post article is trying, supposedly after an impressive two years of research (as if?!), to give us an 'explanation' for the spook pest that the ruling class can live with: the government has overreacted in response to 9/11 and as a result the security apparatus has grown to an extent that one hand no longer knows what the other does. In reality though, the explosive growth in U.S. spook numbers is a direct result of the thriving Afghan opium production as well as the increased control of the CIA over the Latin American drug production.[6]

4. Obvious and not so obvious benefits for the ruling crime families

One way or another our self-chosen rulers always benefit from the disinformation piece. Why else would they bother?! Not always the benefit is as obvious as in above case where a damaging fact is plaid down with a misleading explanation. The torture 'revelations' in the New York Times or the illegal domestic spying accusations in the New Yorker for example were highly embarrassing for the Bush administration, and it's not quite obvious how they benefitted the ruling class. The fact that neither scandals lead to legal prosecution is a clear indication that they were plants. Some people believe that they were intended to discipline the Bush administration. I disagree. I believe that the Bush administration itself was behind the articles, to disguise the fact that the terrorists the Bush administration is supposedly fighting are indirectly financed and controlled by the Americans themselves via Israeli, Saudi and Pakistani middle-men. An additional benefit was that the scandals made the Obama 'change' promise more attractive to both U.S. voters and the international public.

We have to learn to look out for these kind of red flags that tell us whether an information piece is genuine or disinformation. The dissident media scene has shown to be incredibly gullible when it comes to anything remotely critical of the government. We must stop making ourselves to an unwitting tool of our ruling crime familes.

Footnotes :
[1] For almost a century, intelligent educated women have been manipulated into choosing career over family and having no or fewer children than their less intelligent uneducated counterparts.

[2] Salon does not only receive massive advertising and sponsorship from multinationals but is also part-owned by the likes of Adobe and Apple Computer.

[3] Huffington Post's main sponsor is Microsoft's eugenist founder Bill Gates who spends billions of dollars of his private fortune each year on his pet project to clear Black Africa of its indigenous population through mass sterilisation, disguised as vaccination

[4] Vanity Fair belongs to the same predatory Jewish Newhouse media-tsar family who owns the New Yorker, the publication that brought us the 'imminent U.S. attack on Iran' that never happened, a psy-ops designed to bully Iran's ruling elite to install an administration more willing to bend over and be raped by the Anglo-Judean Axis of Greed.

[5] 95% of the world's illegal drugs are sold by the monopolistic Anglo-Judean Windsor-Rothschild crime family with government agencies such as the CIA, the British MI5/6, the German BND, the Australian ASIA and the Israeli Mossad serving as their main distributors.

[6] NATO invaded and occupied Afghanistan shortly after the Taliban shut down production in an industrial dispute over their share of the opium profits. Production was immediately restored to higher than ever levels and has been growing ever since.


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