Sunday, June 6

"Yes Massah" - Obama shows who owns his sorry ass

Brass Check

Another Example Of The American Governemt Serves Israel More Then They serve America

After BP's well started dumping tens of thousands of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, it took WEEKS to get Obama to even begin to posture on the problem.

Yet within minutes after reports of Israeli commandos slaughtering relief workers in international waters, Obama was on the phone offering his political help to the Israeli prime minister.

What a total disgrace.

Part 1

Part 2

The speaker's name is Cenk Uygur and he's a guy who gets it.

I guarantee that the Israeli War Party and its friends in the US are going to start gunning for him after his very clear statement of fact.

His show is called "The Young Turks."

This guy is a hero, a real patriot, and an honest human being unlike the sad excuse for a human being in the White House.


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