Tuesday, June 8

LMAO: Israeli's feel Sorrow as more musicians cancel performances in Israel

Note to Shuki Weiss: are you listening to your self when you speak. If not: repeat what you were quoted:
“These ‘sudden’ decisions affect thousands of Israeli music lovers turning them into victims and robbing them of a handful of hours of joy, adrenalin and culture, in the name of suffering they have neither caused nor wish for.”

Victims? Are you for real? a lot of Israeli's seemed to have lots of hours of joy, adrenalin and culture in the name of suffering it hands out not only to the world but Palestinians everyday like in this video seen here. Wake up and smell the coffee? The only victims are Palestinians who have suffered every day since this murderous state of Israel was born and of course tax payers from around the world in places like Canada and the especially the United States who keep giving state welfare payments to the tune of millions and billions while their own citizens go without. Be thankful your not a Palestinian having to endure what they have to go through day by day at the hands of Israeli policy.

Don't cry Shuki, I am sure there are other musicians who are like most Governments and media outlets in the world who are sellouts to humanity or for the weirdest reason, fear that the Israeli Lobby will destroy them if they don't support Israel in some form or another.
More Musicians Cancel Performances in Israel

A music promoter in Israel said that the country was being subjected to “cultural terrorism” as more artists canceled planned performances there, Agence France-Presse reported.

Over the weekend the alternative-rock band the Pixies withdrew from what would have been its first-ever show in Israel, as part of the Pic.Nic music festival scheduled in Tel Aviv this week. “We’d like to extend our deepest apologies to the fans, but events beyond all our control have conspired against us,” the group said in a statement. The bands Gorillaz and the Klaxons have also withdrawn from the festival, after a massacre by Israeli commandos on a Gaza-bound flotilla. Last month, Elvis Costello canceled two concerts he was to perform in Israel this summer, citing the complexities of the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

After the announcement of the Pixies’ cancellation, Shuki Weiss, the promoter of the Pic.Nic festival, said in a statement, “I am full of both sorrow and pain in light of the fact that our repeated attempts to present quality acts and festivals in Israel have increasingly been falling victim to what I can only describe as a form of cultural terrorism which is targeting Israel and the arts worldwide.”

He added: “These ‘sudden’ decisions affect thousands of Israeli music lovers turning them into victims and robbing them of a handful of hours of joy, adrenalin and culture, in the name of suffering they have neither caused nor wish for.”

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