Thursday, June 3

Israel's Assassination / Execution Policy Is Now Gone Wild!

American Born Furkan Dogan was among the dead from the Flotilla Massacre. He suffered a shot in the chest and four bullets fired into his head from close range(Where I come from that would be called EXECUTION STYLE By most Law Enforcement Agencies). When people allow their Governments to financially support Israel or allow fund raising to happen in their country you can expect this is where the money is going!.American Citizen Among Dead Flotilla Nine
By Nathaniel Hines

Authorities from Istanbul and Washington have confirmed that one of the nine people killed during an Israeli commando raid on the Gaza flotilla this week was a United States citizen of Turkish descent.

As the funerals of Turkish citizens concluded today, June 3, 2010, the U.S. now faces a more complicated diplomatic position as the international community and the United Nations vent more frustration with Israel’s raid on the six ships’ foray trying to break a three-year-old naval blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Nine bodies accompanied hundreds of activists that had been under Israeli guard since the detention of the ships on Monday, as Israel quickly released all of the detainees in an effort to quell the fervor of growing angst over the raid and sent them home by airline.

Their efforts to rehabilitate the incident fell on deaf Turkish ears.

“Turkey will never forgive this attack,” President Abdullah Gul said on national television. “Turkish-Israeli relations can never be as before from now on.”

Although one of the dead has been identified as an American, senior official declined to publically identify him by name. Washington has confirmed that the victim was American. The Turkish press however has identified Furkan Dogan, a 19-year-old, U.S. born citizen, who moved to Turkey after turning four.

Dogan’s brother, Mustafa, said his parent had given the young activist their blessing before leaving with the flotilla, according to the Turkish daily Zaman.

“We didn’t expect him to come back like this,” Mustafa said. “However, we were not sorry to hear that he fell like a martyr.”

According to another news agency, Dogan suffered a shot in the chest and four bullets fired into his head from close range.

On Thursday, the Israeli Foreign Ministry issued a statement that all the activists had been deported besides those requiring additional medical help. In addition, one of the injureds wife and two more that have been held for documentation abnormalities.

The incident ignited early Monday morning when Israel sent its military commandos into international waters to stop the flotilla carrying humanitarian aid, including construction materials, toys and used clothes, to Gaza. The commandos boarded five ships without incident, but when they swooped in from helicopters onto the largest, the Mavi Marmara, soldiers opened fire when they said they were attacked by its passengers with chains, knives, bars and clubs.


Another American family that knows the pain issued a statement as well…..
Corrie family ‘heart-sick and outraged’ by flotilla raid

The parents of an American activist killed in Gaza say they are devastated over Israel’s deadly raid on an international aid flotilla bound for the Gaza Strip.

“We are heart-sick and outraged about the brutal attack launched by the Israeli Military on the Free Gaza Movement’s flotilla of boats,” Cindy and Craig Corrie said in a statement.

“The boats were carrying civilian passengers and humanitarian aid into the besieged Gaza Strip, and were clearly in international waters when this illegal attack occurred, in violation of international law,” they said.

The number of dead and injured are still unconfirmed, but lowest figures reported are nine killed and 34 injured. Israel has not released their names. Over 700 citizens from nearly 40 countries were on board.


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