Wednesday, June 9

Is the US Preparing to Bomb Iran?

Is the US preparing to bomb Iran? If so, this will be the second time we bombed a Muslim nation that doesn’t have WMDs, when we have thousands of nukes ourselves.

From the Sunday Herald in Scotland: “Hundreds of powerful US bunker-buster bombs are being shipped from California to the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean in preparation for a possible attack on Iran. The Sunday Herald revealed that the US government signed a contract in January to transport ten ammunition containers to the island. According to a cargo manifest from the US navy, this included 387 Blu bombs used for blasting hardened or underground structures.”

Our government does not have the right to bomb other countries just because they won’t do what we want them to do. If we continue to support the injustices of Israel against the Palestinians, while blowing up any Muslim nation that won’t do our bidding, we will probably end up fighting World War III in the near future. And it won’t be “the good guys” against the “bad guys.” If we want peace with Muslims, we need to do two very important things:

(1) We need to stand for equal rights for every human being, and this means not favoring Israeli Jews over Palestinians. We say that we stand for equal rights, but we have poured hundreds of billions of dollars into Israel, without requiring Israel to do what Americans had to do ourselves: abandon racism and give everyone equal rights and the protection of fair laws and fair courts. The laws and courts of Israel are blatantly racist, and allow Israeli Jews to constantly steal land from increasingly destitute Palestinians. Anyone who saw the movie Avatar should be able to understand what happens when Israelis with bulldozers destroy the olive groves the Palestinians depend on for life. Why is the U.S. funding and supporting the Nakba (“Catastrophe”) of the Palestinians? Not only is it wrong for us to harm innocent women and children, but in doing so we also put our own women and children at risk of World War III and a nuclear Armageddon.

(2) We need to stop interfering in the Middle East. We have only driven the price of oil sky-high, while destabilizing the region. We would have saved well over a trillion dollars if we had simply paid the going price for oil, and avoided fighting two unnecessary, fruitless, unwinnable wars.

If our government can’t solve our own problems, how can it hope to solve the problems Middle Eastern nations face? There are reasons so many Muslims are so furious with the U.S. How would Americans feel if rich, powerful foreign interests caused our children to go hungry, and threatened our way of life? Of course we would fight to defend our children and our way of life. So we need to accept that Muslims have every right to resist foreign interference on their native soil. Our government has become like a bull in a china shop, and innocent women and children are dying as a result. This has been going on for over sixty years, and of course this incites Muslim men to retaliate. The 9-11 attacks were not senseless acts of religious fanaticism, as Americans have been led to believe. Time and time again the men who planned the attacks have explained why Americans were attacked: they want us to stop contributing to the suffering and premature deaths (murders) of Palestinian women and children, and they want our government to stop interfering in the internal affairs of Muslim nations. While I don’t agree with their tactics, I cannot ignore the fact that they are obviously right. Americans should not harm Palestinian women and children, by colluding with the government of Israel to deny them their rights. And we obviously shouldn’t allow the CIA to sponsor coups, as it did in Iran in 1953, and then more recently in Gaza when Hamas won elections the Bush administration had demanded, after being warned by Palestinians that a vote would be unwise because Hamas might win. The Bush administration was like a bull in a china shop. But if the Obama administration bombs Iran, it will be conducting “business as usual.”

The solution is not to keep bombing everyone who disagrees with us. We need to admit that our government has made very serious mistakes in the past, which led to the suffering and deaths of multitudes of Muslims.

Germany and Japan could have avoided World War II by simply admitting their governments were no longer “defending” their citizens, but were intimidating and bullying the rest of the world. Finally, the Allies realized that giving in to Germany and Japan wasn’t going to work. So they chose to fight. If we’re not careful, the same thing will happen to our government, and we’ll find ourselves at war with a consortium of Muslim nations. If this happens, the U.S. could go bankrupt. We simply can’t afford to fight every nation that disagrees with us. The more we throw our weight around, the more other nations will disagree with us.

Our government is no longer defending its citizens. Our military might is being used to intimidate and bully other nations. But Afghanistan and Iraq have proven that we can’t defeat Muslims on their native soil. We have nothing to gain by constantly throwing our weight around, because we only weaken our economy, while creating hundreds of thousands of eager troops for the Taliban and similar anti-West organizations. I believe the two simple changes in policy that I suggested above will save multitudes of lives and trillions of dollars. The Middle East has nothing that we want, other than oil, and we would save tons of money by simply paying the going price for oil. Surely Americans do not believe in harming innocent women and children, so standing for equal rights for Palestinians and Israeli Jews should be a “no brainer.” Why not insist that our politicians do what is right and just, and get us out of wars that accomplish nothing?

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