Monday, May 31

Aided by many quarters of the international media Israel starts their spin to justify the murder of innocents

Israel: IDF Troops Who Murdered Innocent People Are ‘Brave Heroes’

U.S. corporate media echoes spin that dead activists are to blame for the violence

Israel: IDF Troops Who Murdered Innocent People Are Brave Heroes  310510top2

Paul Joseph Watson

The government of Israel, aided by many quarters of the international media, is attempting to spin today’s deadly IDF assault on a humanitarian aid ship carrying supplies to Gaza as the fault of the murdered activists on board the vessel, ludicrously characterizing machine-gun carrying Israeli troops who killed over a dozen innocent people as the victims of the incident.

“Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in a press conference on Monday that while he was sorry for lives lost, the organizers of the Gaza-bound protest flotilla were solely responsible for the outcome of the fatal IDF raid earlier in the day,” reports the Jerusalem Post.

Elsewhere, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave his “full backing” to the Israeli military and Israeli Navy commander Vice-Admiral Eliezer Marom commended the “bravery” of the IDF commandoes who slaughtered innocent people who were attempting to take food and supplies to the Gaza Strip, which has been under Israeli blockade for the last three years, a situation humanitarian groups have labeled “collective punishment,” a throwback to how the Nazis brutalized entire cities of people in retaliation to attacks against them by resistance groups.

In addition, a video released by Israeli authorities is circulating on You Tube entitled, Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship, which ludicrously claims to show activists attacking troops unprovoked, without mentioning the fact that troops aggressively boarded the vessel outside of Israeli territory with the aid of army helicopters and heavily armed IDF soldiers before the activists did anything. In reality, the video shows very little because it is shot from a perspective where the people on board look like ants and almost nothing can be deciphered from this. Comments were disabled on the video to prevent people from making this criticism.

The video “helpfully explain[s] what you’re supposed to see,” writes one Israeli journalist.

“And, of course, the clip only contains the footage the IDF wanted to release; we don’t know what happened before or after this 60 seconds of video,” reports Al Jazeera.

The tone of Israel’s propaganda, that it was peace activists armed with nothing more than sticks and molotov cocktails who were responsible for the violence, and not heavily armed commando fighters backed up by helicopter gunships who in fact slaughtered at least 19 of the peace activists, is being cautiously parroted by some elements of the U.S. media.

One only has to look at the nature of the death toll to understand who was responsible for this brutal attack.

At least 19 people, and this figure is rising by the hour, were killed during the attack, with dozens more injured. Not one of those 19 victims is an IDF soldier, every single one is a Palestinian activist. If the activists on board the ship had planned to attack the soldiers, you might at least expect them to have claimed one fatality – but this wasn’t an attack by activists, it was a brutal assault by armed men with machine guns who violated international law and committed a despicable war crime before calling the monsters who carried it out brave heroes.

The Palestinian territories are controlled by Hamas, a group who legitimately won power in a democratic election. The ships were not therefore “seized” by Hamas as is being implied, the Hamas government controlled the ships because they won the election and it is their job to provide food and aid to their people.

Crucially, the attack took place in international waters, not inside Israeli territory. Israel had no right to board the ship under any legal definition.

As Mike Rivero at WhatReallyHappened explains, “Israel has no legal authority over the ships of other nations in international waters. Israel may not issue orders to foreign flagged ships in international waters. Ships are considered sovereign territory of the nations whose flags they fly. Setting foot on one without the permission of the captain is technically an act of war.

“The aid convoy did not “attack” the IDF. The aid convoy, being in international waters, attempted to defend themselves from an act of piracy by a nation with no legal authority over those ships.”

With Israel’s attack being condemned globally by every nation on the planet besides the U.S. and Britain, and being savaged by every media outlet besides the ever-compliant U.S. establishment press, attempts to lay the blame on the very activists who were killed while lauding their murderers as heroes will only crystallize the fact that Israel, alongside Britain and America and the globalists who control all three countries, are nothing less than the new Nazis and represent the biggest threat by far to international security and the sanctity of the rule of law.


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