Israeli soldiers as prisoners do you not remember that war....... ??
In 1978 we were fooled by the Camp-David-Peace-Agreement
and the only result was 35 years
of a fruitless-useless-pointless-time-consuming "COLD-PEACE".
In 1992 was the Oslo-Agreement
and the only results was that the PLO
has changed from being a Liberation Movement
has changed from being a Liberation Movement
into being a sequestrated-paralysed-castrated-movement.
Today , with this " Arab - Spring "
the only result will be another theatrical game,
or another aesthetic-surgical-operation,
just to offer Israel another postponement-bonus
or another aesthetic-surgical-operation,
just to offer Israel another postponement-bonus
of another delay-decade to institutionalise its illegal existence.
While we the Arabs are going in circles,
the Zionists are digging deeper in.
Why don´t we try a war as the solution to end Zionism ?? for a change.........because anything else has failed. the Zionists are digging deeper in.
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