Friday, March 12

Get the cheque book out America, Israel wants a facelift, this is gonna cost you

Israel's New Attack Plan 
Irish 4 Palestine
More broadly,we need to think about what the right messaging for an anti-BDS campaign could be “Let Israel Live,” for example, may make Israel sound pathetic and may sound too 1940s “ kind of begging the world’s permission for Jewish survival.” But, given the culture of crisis in the Jewish world, that is the kind of slogan that just might work. We invite other suggestions.
The BDS campaign is causing Israel great problems worldwide. They have been working on their new and improved "hasbara" game plan to hide the truth, cover it up, and shut down the BDS campaign over time. Upon reading this insanity, it occurred to me what the cost of such an endeavour would be to Israel financially. When you read the "new battle plans" below, think to yourself the money that would be involved in ALL of this new "hasbara campaign worldwide" if they were to actually implement this new "War Room" worldwide. I hope Americans are willing to increase that annual 3 billion to Israel, because if you think Israel will foot the bill, think again.

Additionally I notice they have a focus on restricting free speech at Universities and also are planning to "engage" non-Jewish student leaders and offer them "free" trips to Israel where they can woo them. They also plan to "cozy up" with the media and reporters, to monitor even more of what Israel "will or will not allow" to be published to the world. They also plan to take the "war" to the Internet, that's us folks! They want to "employ" non-Jewish bloggers to attack pro-Palestinian blogs and such. Not only that they have managed to come up with the absurd rationality that the BDS will inhibit the (non-existant) Peace Process between Palestine and Isarel, how creative is that lie!

The co-chairs of this new "training organisation" are:
Dr. Mitchell Bard link The Executive Director of the nonprofit American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) and a foreign policy analyst who lectures frequently on U.S.-Middle East policy.

For three years he was the editor of the Near East Report, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) weekly newsletter on U.S. Middle East policy. Prior to working at AIPAC, Dr. Bard served as a senior analyst in the polling division of the 1988 Bush campaign.

Prior to working at AIPAC, Dr. Bard served as a senior analyst in the polling division of the 1988 Bush campaign.
And also is associated with link the UJC,(read about them here)and also Israel Bonds and the Jewish National Fund.
Jewish National Fund: link

The JNF's engagement in reclaiming the Land of Israel for Jewish purposes has involved a range of massive land infrastructure development projects.The JNF's charter specifies that the purpose of the JNF is to purchase land for the settlement of Jews

The Jewish National Fund (Hebrew: קרן קימת לישראל, Keren Kayemet LeYisrael) (abbreviated as JNF, and sometimes KKL) was founded in 1901 to buy and develop land in Ottoman Palestine (later Israel) for Jewish settlement.Some forests have been planted for security reasons[34] and as a means of demarcating Israeli space.[35] Forests in the Negev Desert have been planted to restrict Bedouin herding.[36] After the 1948 war, forests were planted on the site of abandoned Arab villages whose inhabitants left or were expelled from their homes.[37] Olive trees, upon whose fruits and oil residents of the region traditionally relied, have also been cut down and replaced by pine and cypress trees.[38] As these forests have often been planted over the remains of Arab villages, critics say that JNF afforestation policy is aimed at erasing traces of the Arab presence prior to 1948 and covering up the demolition of Arab villages
He is also associated with:
Hillel(some examples of their "work" follow from wiki)
link UCLA Hillel rabbi and director Chaim Seidler-Feller was accused by journalist Rachel Neuwirth of verbally and physically assaulting her on the UCLA campus in October 2003.After more than three years of litigation, in a legal settlement, Seidler-Feller provided Neuwirth with a letter of apology accepting full responsibility for the attack on Neuwirth and a large financial arrangement with her.[14].

Robert Fishman, director of George Washington University's Hillel apologized for claiming that a pro-Palestinian law student was a recognized terrorist.[15]. Fishman also orchestrated a group of Hillel members to read highly critical questions pre-drafted by Deborah Lipstadt as if they were their own to President Jimmy Carter who spoke on campus in March 2007. This and their tactics of blocking the microphones from other students
(lots of stuff about them here) , Israel Bonds and the Jewish National Fund.
The 2nd Co-Chair is:
link Gil Troy is Professor of History at McGill University in Montreal

Troy is also the author of Why I Am a Zionist: Israel, Jewish Identity and the Challenges of Today. The book has been hailed as a "must read," and the most persuasive presentation of the Zionist case "in decades."
And I must note that when you view the book cover below, notice there is no Palestine, it's been wiped off the map completely

So here's their new plan for attacking the BDS campaign, read it, and pass it on:
Please read and disseminate as widely as possible

**To be forewarned is to be forearmed**

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