Thursday, September 13

'Israel gives US unreliable intel' a former senior US diplomat testified- in U.S Government Verses Muslim Charity

Israeli intelligence about Palestinian groups that a US-based Muslim charity aided was often unreliable, a former senior US diplomat testified at the organization's trial on so called terrorism-support charges.

*(People sometimes get these charges when they don't bow to USA Government and especially Israel).

Edward Abingdon, who served as US consul-general in Jerusalem during the 1990s, said the Israelis had an "agenda" and provided "selective information to try to influence US thinking."

*(No doubt)
Abingdon's testimony Tuesday took dead aim at prosecutors' claims that the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development was knowingly funding terrorists says USA Government instead of providing humanitarian aid.

* (My question is what do u call Governments that create 9'11's and kill their own and then break international laws by invading and taking over countries like Iraq and all along funding the genocide and death of the people of Palestine)

Holy Land, once the United States' largest Muslim charity, and five of its leaders are charged with funneling millions in illegal aid to Hamas, which the US government considers a terrorist organization.

Prosecutors say Holy Land funded schools and hospitals it knew were run by Hamas . US agents raided Holy Land and shut it down in December 2001.

In six weeks of testimony, the prosecution's key witness was an Israeli government lawyer who was allowed to testify anonymously. He said many of the Palestinian schools and charities to which Holy Land gave money were controlled by Hamas.

Abingdon, whose post essentially made him the US ambassador to the Palestinian Authority, testified that he was privy to daily CIA reports in Jerusalem .
Abingdon, the first defense witness of the trial, said the US Agency for International Development gave money to some of the same groups. He added that he met many officials of the charities.

The diplomat said he had heard of Holy Land "as a Palestinian-American charity that distributed assistance to needy families in the West Bank and Gaza."

From 1993 to 1999, Abingdon was consul-general in Jerusalem, and like others he was under orders not to have contact with Hamas.
Abingdon said the Israelis provided intelligence to the CIA, and defense attorney Nancy Hollander asked him if he found the Israeli information reliable. "No," he answered, and she asked why not.

"The Israelis have an agenda ... they provide selective information to try to influence US thinking," he said.

* (I have not read anywhere if he added the Jewish Lobby's that control Governments in the West, especially when it comes to Middle East affairs and most of all Israel. They control government, business and media plus they give free trips to Israel along with free gifts to people in government).

Abingdon spent 30 years in the State Department. He resigned in 1999 and spent seven years at a Washington lobbying firm that represented the Palestinian Authority . He said he never worked for Hamas.

* This Case smells of bullshit. Like always the U.S Government as for most of the time if clues were shoes they would be barefoot. You can see the Jewish Lobby and the USA Government written all over this. Not only are they attacking Hamas in Palestine they are also doing it around the world and in this case on American Soil.

Money was going to hospitals and other causes in Palestine, it is not the duty of any Government to tell people who and where to give their money number 1.

Number 2 The Jewish Lobby and The Jew Fund collects and raises money through out North America and around the world that is sent back to Israel and look what that money does ( we see the results of that day by day since 1948 and before that) so when will these groups be brought up on trial.

Number 3 Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development was giving money to schools, and other charities in Palestine. It so happens that Hamas controlled some of these groups that is hated by Israel and United States.

Who would The United States, Canada and other Governments like us to give our money to, Israel? (laugh out loud.) Don't we give enough of that already. Do these governments have a list of who we should give to in hopes of helping the people of Palestine. (If they do I would like to see that!) Roll Over Floor Laughing.

I will keep you updated on this case as it develops.... and share some more thoughts.

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