Thursday, February 11

Holocaust: Israel's Ultimate Red Herring

By Khalid Amayreh

Journalist — Occupied Palestine


it is a moral obligation upon humanity to oppose Zionism and Israel with the same vigor and same determination the world demonstrated in the face of Nazism.

Whenever Israel's image suffers a setback, mainly because of its manifestly criminal treatment of the Palestinians, Israel invokes the holocaust. Israel does not openly link the Nazi-like brutality meted out to the Palestinians to the holocaust.However, the implied message in highlighting holocaust commemorations is inescapable.

The message is that what Germany did to European Jewry in the course of World War II justifies whatever Israel has done and is doing to the Palestinians.

In other words, the perpetration of one holocaust by Germany against Jews should allow Zionist Jews — Israel— to carry out another holocaust against the Palestinians.

These seem to be the unspoken words of Zionist leaders. In the final analysis, their actions speak louder than their denials.

A few years ago, prior to the deadly Israeli onslaught against the Gaza Strip, Elie Wiesel – political activist, Nobel Laureate, and Holocaust survivor– argued that the world had no right to criticize Israel no matter what Israel did.

"I support Israel, period. I identify with Israel, period. I never attack, I never criticize Israel, and the world has no right to criticize Israel."

While in Poland recently to mark the "Holocaust Remembrance Day", Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu tried to blackmail humanity into supporting Israeli criminality against the Palestinian people and other peoples of the Middle East.

He claimed that the international community had an obligation to defend and protect Israel as if this nuclear-armed state, which also effectively controls the politics and policies of the only superpower in the world, the United States, were seriously under threat by foreign predators and needed immediate protection.

However, what Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders really wanted to say was that the world should turn a blind eye to the unmitigated brutality and repression to which the helpless Palestinians are constantly subjected by the Israeli army, the Wehrmacht of our time.

Israel's Wehrmacht

Israel has no right to use the memory of those who perished during the holocaust to justify decidedly criminal acts that differ little in substance from what the Nazis did.

In short, Israel's ultimate goal behind the exaggerated and never- ending regurgitation of holocaust rituals is not really to remind humanity of the extent to which man can be cruel to his fellow man.

Rather, it is to obtain a license, or even a carte blanch, to torment and savage the Palestinians, destroy their homes, steal their land, and expel them to the four winds.

As victims of Jewish Nazism for over sixty years, we, the Palestinians, have no objection to remind the world of one of the greatest crimes committed by man against his fellow man. The Nazis, after all, were enemies of humanity and their crimes are outstanding in the annals of history.

However, it should be perfectly clear that the Nazis were evil, not because their crimes targeted Jews, among other peoples.

Their actions were evil, because they were simply evil, and even if six million non-Jews had been killed instead of the six million Jews we are told were killed, the nefariousness of the Nazi crimes would not have been any lesser.

This means that anyone or any people behaving in Nazi-like manner should be compared to the Nazis. In the final analysis, when Jews think, behave, and act like Nazis, as demonstrated in Gaza last year, they should not be spared the Nazi epithet no matter how long and how hard the Netanyahus, Wiesels, Liebermans, and Pipes of the world keep barking.

We are supposed to be living in a moral universe, and as such, none under the sun, "chosen" or otherwise, should be entitled to a special treatment based on ethnic or religious supremacy.

I understand why some Western countries, like Germany are reluctant to call the spade a spade when it comes to the Jewish terror. However, as consistent recipients of Israeli criminality for decades, we Palestinians should not hesitate to compare what Zionist Jews are doing to us with whatever the Aryan Nazis did in Europe during the World War II.

If the world, especially the West, raises its eyebrows in disgust or disbelief, we must ignore its reactions with the contempt they deserve. Instead, we should challenge them to come and visit Gaza and the West Bank and see for themselves. This is of course if they dare to face the brutal ugliness of their misbegotten brat.

The issue goes far beyond the size and magnitude of violence and terror here and there. After all, we do not claim that what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is a carbon copy of what the Third Reich did during that World War II in which more than 50 million people were killed.

However, there are shocking similarities between what happened then and what is happening now. Take, for example, the recurrent pogroms carried out by the para-military Jewish terrorists, otherwise known as settlers, against helpless and unprotected Palestinians in the West Bank.

These thugs carry out all sorts of lynching and assaults on unarmed civilians, including elderly Palestinians, nearly on a daily basis and often in the full view of the Israeli army. The Israeli society watches these crimes rather passively as if what is happening were perfectly acceptable.

The Judo-Nazi Thugs

I do not know if 90 percent of Germans supported the holocaust. Yet, I do know that up to 90 percent of Israeli Jews have supported the atrocities in Gaza.

Now, what is the difference between this and what the Hitler Youth Movement and other Nazi thugs were doing against Jews in the mid and late 1930s which eventually culminated in the Kristallnacht in November, 1938?

A few days ago, David Grossman, a noted Israeli writer and intellectual, spoke about the callousness with which the Israeli Jewish society is treating with settler terror and violence against the Palestinians.

"Sometimes," he said "it is not possible to sit and be silent. Settlers and the political right aided by the government, the legal system, and economic powers abuse the Palestinians in 1,001 different ways."

In addition, one could note the manifestly criminal act of taking over people's homes, land, farms, and vineyards in the name of Jewish nationalism. Is this much different from the Nazi concept of lebensraum?

Germans argued that they needed a breathing space; and the Jews are arguing that "well, Jews have got to live somewhere."!

When the Judo-Nazi thugs run out of arguments, they simply claim that "Jews are sons of kings, and non-Jews are animals." Israel has no right to use the memory of those who perished during the holocaust to justify decidedly criminal acts that differ little in substance from what the Nazis did. Yes, the magnitude is different, but the substance, the mentality, the maliciousness, and nefariousness are the same.

It is true that Palestinians are not being gassed in ovens. However, they are being systematically killed by other means and incinerated by White Phosphorus, as was the case in Gaza last year.

When the Judo-Nazi thugs run out of arguments, they simply claim that "Jews are sons of kings, and non-Jews are animals."

More to the point, we should always remember that the holocaust itself did not really start with Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen and other death camps, for in fact these were ultimate "effects" rather than "causes."

The real causes had materialized much earlier with the malignant metastasizing of Aryan racism, the kind of which the world is now witnessing permeating throughout Israel.

Now, it us usual to see an Israeli settler murders an innocent Palestinian and then claims proudly that "I felt I was slaughtering an animal not a human being."!

Furthermore, happy-go-lucky rabbis gleefully issue religious edicts permitting the cold-blooded killing of all non-Jews, including babies, on the ground that these babies might pose a threat to Jews when they grow up!

I do not know if 90 percent of Germans supported the holocaust. Yet, I do know that up to 90 percent of Israeli Jews have supported the atrocities in Gaza last year when the Israeli army and its air force were raining death on unprotected civilians, killing, maiming, and incinerating thousands of innocent people.

Likewise, I do not know why most Jews feel no shame when their "soldiers" create fire storms over Gaza, causing the death of multitudes of innocent people. Do they feel empowered? Virile? Or perhaps feel they are vicariously avenging the holocaust 65 years later?

Well, Israeli soldiers who murder innocent civilians knowingly and deliberately are not really soldiers. They are thugs, hoodlums, and common criminals that ought to stand trial for their evil deeds. They are no different from the German (and non-German) soldiers who committed crimes against humanity during the World War II.

The Israeli hasbara establishment, the most important organ in the Israeli government, wrongly thinks that all these scandalous crimes can be whitewashed through PR action, such as throwing the holocaust in the face of the world or highlighting a propagandistic act, such as the recent rescue mission that Israel dispatched to Haiti.

Nevertheless, as Gideon Levy, a prescient Israeli journalist, argues, no amount of PR lies or speeches will be able to extinguish the flames of shame created by Israel's criminal campaign against a thoroughly starved and thoroughly beleaguered people.

"It will not help much," argued Levy. "International Holocaust Remembrance Day has passed, the speeches will soon be forgotten, and the depressing every-day reality will remain, and Israel will not come out looking good, even after the PR campaign."

He is right. An irredeemable child killer is undoubtedly an irredeemable child killer, and it does not get himself rehabilitated if he helps an old lady mowing her lawn as he returns home from one of his murderous crimes.

Night Without End

The same holocaust industry allows Israel to build a "museum of tolerance" right on top of the Mamanullah cemetery where thousands of Muslims are buried

Today in every junior high school in America, students read Anne Frank, while in every high school Elie Wiesel's "Night" is requisite reading. Wiesel is the man who says brazenly that he identifies with Israeli crimes and barbarianism and that he could not bring himself to say bad things about Israel.

The victims of the first Kristallnacht enjoy the world's approbation and sympathy, while at the same time having succeeded in demonizing an entire people, for whom Kristallnacht still remains a night without end.

However, unlike the German national socialists, Jewish national socialists are falsifying history and reality to justify their crimes against humanity.

The holocaust narrative, which has been elevated to the status of a religion, allows Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, to invoke the mantra of "never again" while it sits on Arab lands stolen from Ein Karem, and overlooking the unmarked graves of the Palestinians massacred by Judeo-Nazi terrorists at Dir Yasin.

The same holocaust industry allows Israel to build a "museum of tolerance" right on top of the Mamanullah cemetery where thousands of Muslims are buried. You see, there is no limit to the brutal ugliness of the Zionist mentality.

It is really sad that most Jews are now finding themselves in the shoes of their former oppressors, knowingly and consciously.

On August 23, 1947, nearly one year before Israel's birth, Harry Truman wrote the following to Eleanor Roosevelt, apparently in the wake of another Zionist atrocity in Palestine:

"I fear very much that the Jews are like all underdogs. When they get on the top they are just as intolerant and cruel as the people were to them when they were underneath. I regret this situation very much because my sympathy has always been on their side."

In light of Israel's Nazi-like behavior in occupied Palestine, it is really hard to view Truman's prophetic words with indifference. In fact, it is a moral obligation upon humanity to oppose Zionism and Israel with the same vigor and same determination the world demonstrated in the face of Nazism.


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