Friday, January 22

Zionism - Counteracting a Century of Zionist Disinformation


From “A land without a people for a people without a land” to “The Land of the Settlers is the Land of Israel” — A century of false and malicious misinformation in furtherance of political power for the leaders of Zionism.It is a story of an atheist few sordidly manipulating the religious beliefs of the trusting many while dreaming of a nation they could rule as petty barons of a backwater fiefdom.

The story reaches from its cynical Marxist founders over a century ago through today’s ethnic cleansing in Palestine. It covers more than a century of deliberately fueling anti-semitism around the world including in Nazi Germany.

Zionism: A political movement
Above all keep in mind Zionism is not now nor has it ever been a religious movement. At no time has it been based upon Jewish scripture or teachings. At all times it has been condemned by Rabbinical teachers and Torah and Talmud scholars.

Zionism today has never been for the benefit of Jews as a people. It has always been about territory and political power over Jews by cynical manipulators. Today it is not about the security of the Jewish people but about the control of the land of Israel.

To gain and maintain this control Zionists have used any political means available at all levels of power without regard to any religious or moral consideration. It has cynically manipulated and used thousands of years of Jewish religious thought and teachings, manipulated the very words of Scripture, to lead the unsuspecting to believe they are obeying the will of God.

Today’s victims of Zionism are not only four million Palestinians ethnically cleansed from Israel and the territories it has under military occupation nor is it limited to include the million second class citizens of Israel living under racist laws but also the ten million non-Israeli Jews around the world whose religious principles Zionism has usurped for personal profit. It has turned the allegorical interpretations of the Jewish scripture into contorted political imperatives. It has induced millions of Jews to leave a western world largely devoid of anti-semitism to put their lives and the lives of their children at risk by moving to Israel, the most dangerous place in the world for Jews to live today.

Zionism has an unparalleled history of provoking anti-semitism by any means available. It has committed acts of terrorism against Jews and used those acts as examples of anti-semitism. It has cynically murdered Jews to gain world sympathy for its political agenda.

Christian support of Zionism is based upon an unbiblical heresy that support of Israel will hasten the end of the world and bring about the Kingdom of God on earth. Not only is it heretical to Christianity but Christianity is a false religion to religious Jews. The atheist Zionists pander to the Christian belief playing both Christians and Jews as fools.

Religious Manipulation
The most fundamental teachings of Judaism are in the Commandments recorded in the Book of Exodus. Those teachings prohibit theft and coveting the property of others, prohibiting unseemly greed to those to be a light unto the world. No religious Jew, observant of the laws of God and knowing obeying the Law is an obligation upon him to remain among the Chosen of God and avoid the wrath of God upon his children and his childrens’ children could conceive of taking the land of others. The land of the peoples of Palestine would be forever off limits to them save through lawful purchase.

Mindful of the lawful nature of observant Jews, Zionism created the myth of a land without a people. A land at its pre-industrial capacity of about a million people including Jews and Christians among its Muslim population became a land without people. This cynical political move, clearly known to be false by the leaders of Zionism, seduced lawful Jews into violating their fundamental religious principles.

Compounding that theft in 1948 the atheist Zionists terrorized, threatened and massacred entire villages of Palestinians to force them to leave Palestine while creating the lie surrounding Islamic nations told them to leave. The new nation then cynically imposed a land title legal system designed to negate most Palestinian ownership. Then after an indecently short interval the ownership of properties which could not be invalidated under the new system were declared abandoned and government property.

Those actions, clearly in violation of the Law were done by the civil authority relieving all but the scrupulous of moral impediment. For those the story of The Promised Land was cynically elevated and the loss of the land as punishment unmentioned. Politically motivated Rabbis were raised to secular positions and granted large synagogues and preferences for their members when they gave support to the Zionist government. These Rabbis may have been atheists in disguise or they may have been the counterparts of the Christian fundamentalists but the result was the same. Israel became in practice the nation of the human Jews not of the Jews who observed the Law.

A People without a Land
Nearly two thousand years of religious teaching held Jews were expelled from the Promised Land for their sins and they would only return in the time of the arrival of their Messiah. Zionism incited greed and envy of those peoples with their own land.

Jews as cosmopolitans, professionals, people at ease in any country of the world was abandoned in favor of nation envy. But it was not just any nation rather a specific nation already owned and populated. The Zionists rejected the British offer of a nation in Africa while they did accept the offer of Madagascar from the Nazis it was on condition of a German victory in WWII. The Zionist part of that agreement was to act as a fifth column against the British in Palestine and continue their terrorist activities against them. For still unknown reasons that deal fell through and they ceased their terrorist activities against the British for the duration of the war. It is assumed the Brits made a better offer.

A Land without a People
This is one of those clearly blatant lies for which Zionists are so well known. There have been Palestinians for at least 2500 years. They were first mentioned by the Greek historian, Herodotus. Certainly they did not suddenly appear just before Herodotus visited.

What is also important from his writings is he mentions no people who could conceivably be the biblical Jews. He also lists peoples practicing circumcision. There is no one resembling Hebrews, Judeans, Israelites or anything remotely resembling the biblical Jews.

Theodor Herzl
This is the man who is credited with starting it all. His premise was simple and a precursor to a principle later adopted by the Nazi Party in Germany. In his political view Jews could never be assimilated into Christian Europe. That was the political view of the Nazis.

The Zionist movement did not gain real strength until after WWII. It was openly condemned by religious Jews and by nations until the 1970s. Non-religious Jews condemned it as making Jews appear disloyal to the countries to which they gave their allegiance. Still the radical Zionists insisted upon their own final solution to the Jewish question was to have a homeland and in the process popularized the terms “final solution” and “jewish question” which were later adopted by the Nazis.

Creating Anti-semitism
The broadest approach to creating anti-semitism is the creation of new things which are to be considered anti-semitic. The most successful direction has been the creation of thought crime anti-semitism. Things which in one context are perfectly normal observations are condemned as anti-semitic if directed towards anything Jewish.

Part and parcel with this is the constant reference to Israel as a Jewish state whereas referring to the US as a Christian nation is considered an attack upon Jews. Where ethnic cleansing can be condemned when done by Serbia condemning it when done by Israel is called anti-semitic. The term anti-semitic itself has been elevated to an attempt to replay WWII. A person painting a cross on a synagogue may as well paint a funny mustache on himself.

In the desecration of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries and homes the newspapers tell the true story. Such acts have a much better than fifty-fifty chance of being committed by Jews as Gentiles. The time you hear of such a case, follow up on it to see who is charged with the crime. This is traditional behavior of Zionists.

Shortly after the founding of Israel, Zionists in Arab countries in the Mideast began a terrorism campaign against Jewish communities in those countries. That is so well known it is taught in grade schools in Israel. Yet mention of it is called anti-semitic. While it is clearly anti-Zionist it is not anti-semitic.

At least it was not anti-semitic. The efforts to create the perception of anti-semitism by increasing the number of things called anti-semitic includes calling criticism of Zionism and Israel anti-semitic. Mention of extremely well documented actions of Zionists are referred to as anti-semitic lies even when they are openly discussed in Israeli newspapers.

Hollywood, the major newspapers, and TV networks take great delight in skewering all things Christian. Yet suggesting even so simple a thing as reading the credits of their productions is called anti-semitic. At the same time the discussion of Jewish control of the media are regular topics in such outlets as the Jewish World Review. Anti-semitic has come to mean anything Jews do not want non-Jews to talk about.

Zionist Israel delights in portraying itself as the official spokesman for all Jews in the world. It regularly calls upon Jews to support Israel as a religious duty. More perniciously it demands Jews divide their political loyalties between their own countries and Israel. Creating a perception of Jews having divided political loyalties is intended to raise suspicions about Jews in their own country.

To promote suspicion of Jews, Israel recruits Jews as spies for Israel against their own countries such as Jonathan Pollard in the US. A wise Jewish country seeking to avoid inciting anti-semitism would avoid using Jews against their own country. A Jewish country truly interested in espionage would avoid recruiting Jews to avoid the normal suspicion of Jews. Were the Vatican spying on the US, Catholics would be their last choice as agents.

Creating Political Myth
The recently ended attempt at peace in the Mideast began with the Oslo Accords. In the Accords Israel agreed to withdrawal to within the internationally recognized borders of Israel and the establishment of the Nation of Palestine. The negotiations were only to work out the details.

Immediately after making that solemn undertaking Zionist Israel instantly scuttled it by inventing the myth of Jerusalem being the “eternal and indivisible capital of Israel.” The atheist Zionists cynically attached that invention to Jewish scripture which they consider only a tool to manipulate the foolish believing Jews. After creating the myth among the believing they used the believing to justify reneging upon its solemn undertaking.

That was far from the first time. Just a few years earlier when ultimate compromise was considered inevitable it began a rapid expansion of illegal settlements in the territories it has under military occupation. The atheist political leaders then used the settlements as an internal political problem making withdrawal “difficult.” They encouraged the religious zealots to make withdrawal difficult. Again using observant religious Jews for private political profit.

Jews as well as Christians are willing to turn a blind eye to the lack of religious beliefs of their political leaders as long as those leaders do not flaunt it. In the US it is the mention of God in speeches. In Israel it is photo ops wearing skullcaps.

Zionists play these politics well but to the detriment of Jews worldwide as noted. The Prime Minister of Israel speaks as though he as been elected by all the Jews in the world as their leader. As Israel pretends to speak for all Jews its political leader pretends to the leadership of all Jews.

That attitude is abetted by Zionists around the world whether or not they are formally members of any of the national or the international Zionist organizations. Political union with Israel is an issue of status which is reciprocated by Israel. The result is a unanimity of pro-Israel sentiment from both secular and religious Judaism.

The average religious Jew like a Christian leaves religion to his Rabbi and his politics to those he regards as political thinkers. While the non-Jew hears only the media distortions of Israel the Jew hears it also as a matter of religious obligation. By its nature the Prime Minister of Israel defines the religious obligations to Israel.

Political myth of independence
Every year Israel celebrates its Independence Day. The British were leaving. It is like claiming to have heroically chased away a burglar when first seeing him leaving, jumping out of the window. Such courage is only for the unwashed masses.

Existential threat
Everything is sold as a threat to the existence of Israel. What what is wrong with that? Zionism was a successful threat to the existence of Palestine. The world did not end when Palestine ceased to exist.

Literally everything from ceasing to expand the squatter-towns to giving up an inch of land is said to be an existential threat. Never is there a rational connection between the action and the existence of the country itself. If pressed a series of improbable events, all imaginary with no rational connection, are presented as leading the end of Israel. But to the outside observer, so what? Palestine ceased to exist and the worst problem is refugee

Matt Giwer, circa 2001

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