Wednesday, January 20

Israel Helping Haiti or Helping Themselves?

Israel helping the people of Haiti. Here I thought Israel was just on the Israel re-branding tour. For those that don't know what that Is - Let me break it down to 2 points.

1. It's people on behalf of the state of Israel doing everything possible to try and make Israel look good so not only do the state of Israel get more money from various governments around the world but also have more people spending more money on goods coming out of Israel.

2. While Israel gets more of the people's tax revenues in places like the United States,Canada and else where though out the world without people complaining, the true aim of the Israel re-branding is that we all forget about Palestine and especially forget about the War crimes committed in Gaza and very simple forget about the last 60 years and more of injustice to the Palestinians.

So Israel helping the people of Haiti - there may be more to that concept then it seems. I woke up this morning and was reading a posting on Palestinian Mothers,

The mainstream Media would not speak of this! -

Accusations of Israeli IDF theft of organs of Haiti victims

Accusations of Israeli IDF theft of organs of Haiti victims
By Iqbal Tamimi

The Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot published an article today 20th January, 2010 about a warning by an American Citizen from Washington who accused the crew of the Israeli Defence Force in Haiti of stealing the organs of the victims and he said these acts of theft are aimed at for the purpose of sale.

These warnings came from a man called T – West on yutube, West said that the IDF are involved in the theft of the organs of the Haitians and that he wanted to warn the people of Haiti about stealing the organs of their family members for trade purposes.
In a telephone interview West said:

"I do not hate Israel, and I am not a politician and I am working in a non-profit organisation, but I saw what you have done in South Africa, and know that you were involved in the theft of organs of Palestinians in the past. The theft of body organs is not the policy of the IDF but a small number of the IDF are doing that"

West linked between his findings and the incidents of arresting a number of Jews in USA who were charges of trafficking in human organs.,7340,L-3836929,00.html


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