Thursday, December 31

BARACK OBAMA, a year of Silence and Failure!


London,December 31, (Pal Telegraph) - It has been one year since the start of the one-sided Israeli war on the people of Gaza, including its women and children. The previous US administration expressed their agreement and satisfaction with every single Israeli policy toward the Palestinians.

Israeli policies such of the expansion and building of new settlements in the West Bank, the siege on Gaza, and, last but not least, the killing of 1450 civilians in Gaza, beside injuring thousands, were accepted and endorsed. Sadly, there has been no change in US policy since Obama came to power almost one year ago. The only change is the worsening of the conditions of the besieged children of Gaza.

The so-called "world hero," Barak Obama, announced his intention to actively engage the Arab-Israeli conflict, claiming to be different from his predecessors. Despite the promise of pursuing a different approach toward the conflict, Obama continues the position of his predecessors by showing blind and unwavering support for the state of Israel and its policies toward the Palestinians. Should we have really expected something different?

One year ago, thousands in Gaza including children, elderly men and women were awaiting their death, one tacitly designed by the government of the United States of America. Some of the children in Gaza were burned to death by the phosphorous bombs, while others were killed "by Israel," via the American-made equipment such as the F16 and Apache. One fact often ignored by US policymakers and the media is that the intentional use of US military armaments sold to a foreign entity is in violation of US law.

Looking back to the period prior to Obama taking office should have been an indicator of the type of policy Obama would pursue. At the start of the Gaza War, Obama was completely silent. He claimed that any position taken prior to assuming office would diminish the role of Bush's foreign policy prerogative. Yet he uttered his condemnation of the attacks in India prior to assuming the office of the presidency.

Obama's dead silence implied his blind and unwavering support for the government of Israel and its deadly policies of besieging, killing and starving the people of Gaza.

Obama was an idol for millions worldwide. Being Black running for the American presidency, having superb public speaking abilities, being outspoken, and having a charismatic personality gave hope to many. With his growing support due to these qualities, he made many promises. The promises of change in all sectors from the environment to health care to foreign policy and on specific issues such as abortion, global warming, Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine. Promises and personal characteristics are not sufficient qualities alone for a good leader. In the absence of action, these qualities are mere rhetoric. Excellent rhetoric can be claimed as the only achievement thus far in the Obama administration. He could be a good example of a leader who always play with emotions and feelings of his followers!

From the delivery of speeches to states in the US prior to the elections to Cairo, "our hero's" words were well received. Indeed he spoke of a Palestinian state and the plight of Palestinian refugees. His words in the Cairo speech were a salvation to many, with some reckoning that this man was like the messiah. Despite the promises made and rhetoric uttered, Obama has achieved nothing solid in any of above mentioned areas in his first year.

Guantanamo was not closed; however, there were some symbolic measures taken in this regard. American troops are still in Iraq and more are being sent to hills of Afghanistan. In the area of Middle East, the "Glorious" President opened his term by calling for Israel to give up building settlements; and, dispatching Gorge Mitchell to the Middle East to restart the peace process and implement the call for an end to settlement.

All of these efforts were in vain, for Israel gave a cold shoulder to the Obama administration and refused to cooperate. His response to Israel's response was just additional rhetoric. His policy was merely words lacking action. Obama has thus far proved a failure. Those who thought things would be different were blinded by the words of a master orator and lack of knowledge of the American politics.

Presidents do not have the power or authority to make significant change, especially in regard to policy toward Israel and Palestinians. American administrations past and present, as well as US politicians are beholden to the political elite within the US and money of US interest groups. Therefore, policy will be made in consultation and approval of those who provide the money for political campaigns.

There will be no policy change toward Israel and Palestinians. Obama, like his predecessors, will bow to the dictates of the AIPAC-the American-Israeli Policy Action Committee. One ponders whether this position is due to Obama's eye on the next presidential election, as history demonstrates that US presidents cannot survive a second term without the support of the well-entrenched Israeli lobby. Douglas Little in American Orientalism provides an excellent survey of the US foreign policy toward Israel and the Middle East.

Obama's failure will only increase over time. The troops in Afghanistan will be doubled, as well as the loss of lives of Americans due to this carless policy. The American-made Iraq will never exist. Palestinians will continue to be denied their inalienable rights granted by International law and a Palestinian state will not be realized in the near future.

Gazans will remain suffering under the internationally endorsed siege, with its children continuing to be killed and starved. All of this is due to American foreign policy, which is concerned with economic and material self-interest rather than humanitarian concerns. Indeed, neither Barack Obama nor the American government will solve such problems as they remain bias and supporters of the victimizers against the victims.

By Sameh A. Habeeb
Founder and Editor of the Palestine Telegraph


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