Tuesday, November 17

Spy Trade: How Israel's Lobby Undermines America's Economy

The blurb for this book says it all!
Sami Joseph

Just Received Copies of

Spy Trade: How Israel's Lobby Undermines America's Economy

By Grant F. Smith
Institute for Research-Middle Eastern Policy, 2009, paperback, 178 pp.

In 1984 the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) obtained a secret U.S. government industry report via the Israeli Embassy— just as spy Jonathan Pollard looted vast quantities of national defense information. Since then AIPAC mandates and election manipulations have created a $71 billion U.S.-Israeli trade deficit, equivalent to 100,000 American jobs in each of the past five years.

The U.S. is still locked out of lucrative high-growth foreign markets. This is the story of never prosecuted economic espionage conducted by Israel's lobby. Grant Smith names violators based on newly declassified FBI files - dispelling decades of AIPAC public relations fog and excuses from the department of justice.

"Meticulously detailed in this riveting addition to his earlier exposes, Grant Smith reveals yet another facet of the extent to which the pro-Israel Lobby is beyond dangerous, and has become a serious threat to a broad range of American ideals, objectives, and interests abroad, as well as here at home. This book contains many highly disturbing, documented revelations. Read it." Ambassador Edward L. Peck, former Chief of Mission in Iraq and Former Deputy Director, Cabinet Task Force on Terrorism, Reagan White House.

List Price: $12.95

Click here to purchase!


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