Tuesday, November 3

Protest of Palestine by Michael Hall

Protest of Palestine

We have the Goldstone Report

its a step in the right direction

but obama took two backward steps when he caved in on the settlements

here we are again, no freeze,no return,no justice

We must disobey Israeli law every chance we get

we must not work for them and not pay their taxes

we must ignore their commands

we must strike now while the needle is hot

We should march on the settlements

We need to overflow their jails

We chould swarm over their checkpoints

We would send them packing

We need to organize as one unit

If we are return to our homes

we must walk there today

For if we don't they will raze them to the ground

Our leaders are thrown in jail in the middle of the night

Our homes are stolen one by one

The settlers steal another Danhan

We only have so much and its shrinking

I want to see the Jordon River

I want to swim in the Dead Sea

The Mediterranean calls my name

and the siege of Gaza must be broken

Where is the rescue?

Who is coming to our aid
Is our Arab brothers helping

or are they abetting the enemy?

We must disobey the occupation

We have to charge the checkpoints and roadblocks

We need to refuse to cooperate and be subservient

We need to nonviolently noncooperate and disobey


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