Friday, July 17

The Arab regimes are selfish and they will only act when they know it will benefit them.

If one was to take a look at the global events transpiring most rapidly,from America to Africa and beyond, we can only hang our heads in shame and disgust for what has become of humanity.

To put it bluntly,there is no humanity.

The rules of triadic interaction have left nothing but total destruction and humility at the price of decency,honor and justice – nothing positive has come from the idea that one should strike at a serpents head with the hand of your enemy.

Yet,this is currently the mentality of the Arab regimes in power today – the present Pharaoh’s of Egypt,Saudi Arabia and Jordan -
Here we have two kings and an overlord:
1.President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt
2.King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia
3.The Heshemite King of Jordan

Back in 2005 President Hosni Mubarak was one of many at a landmark “peace” summit in Jordan,along with King Abdallah of Saudia and of course the Heshemite King himself.
In a joint statement read out by Mubarak and King Abdallah at the conclusion of the summit, the two leaders said:
“We witnessed today a new spirit from the Palestinian and Israeli sides. We felt determination and sincere willingness from them to work together to implement their mutual commitments and to make the required arrangements to build up trust, revive hope and bring back complete normalcy, particularly to the Palestinians’ life.”

The lunacy and direct hypocrisy in the above statements given by the two monarchs almost sends one reeling.

Just to think – Egypt gave the Rafah border to Israel,which helped cause the pain and destruction of thousands of innocent Palestinian men,women and children – most recently during Operation Cast Lead.
The government of Egypt was even barring aid to the Gaza strip through means of the Rafah border from doctors who volunteered to help for free.
And also,Israel has closed the border 86% of the days due to a mass of unsubstantiated reasons.

Jordan,which has one of the highest number of Palestinian refugees (some 1.9million registered and 2.7 million total) coming out to about 60-80% of the entire population has yet to stand up to Israel in any way whatsoever.
The Heshemite King seems a bit busy in terms of dealing with the oldest

Lastly,Saudi Arabia commits the same grave sins as the above mentioned;most recently giving Israel the go-ahead in dealing with Iranthus why I mentioned the rule of triadic interaction and how the three Arab leaders pick and choose when it is beneficial to use.

The Arab regimes are selfish and they will only act when they know it will benefit them.
The Palestinian people have been suffering for over 60 years and the only ones who continue to stand up against Israel and the other western powers are the resistance groups – one of whom were not even from Palestine (i.e Hezballah of Lebanon).


These are the Arab Leaders of today,the cowardly snakes who promote ‘peace and security’ as long as profit is maintained.


This is a Palestinian family in 1905,before the illegal occupation of their land in 1948.


This is a Palestinian family prior to 2008,a long while after the illegal occupation of their land.

Yet,the Arab regimes wish to unite peacefully with the enemy?

Would you show peace to the ones who slaughter your family like animals?

There is no error in fighting an aggressor with as much might and fervor as you are capable of doing but the selfishness of the Arab regimes puts this idea on the back-burner for pathetic attempts at pseudo-diplomacy with Israel.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend – they are ,and will always be,my enemy.


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