A brothel I have never visited....
but Vincent did.
but Vincent did.
A 40 year´s old Joke.
A very willing customer entered to a brothel :
" good evening Madame,
what are the specialities of the house"
Monsieur , said the Chic- Lady,
welcome !!
tonight´s special is
but it will cost you 20 dollars more !!
The gentleman paid hastily and entered to a private room...
there comes a young lady to offer her services,
but she does not even look Spanish nor Latin nor anything like it.
Even after when the encounter has started ,
the customer did not notice anything different
from than "the usual corchoreography ".......
That encounter was almost finishing ,
when the customer asked the girl
with an unsatisfied and irritated tone :
my dear lady , I paid 20 Dollars more
so where is that special Spanish flavor
or that Spanish-style
in all that what we are doing ,now ??????
The lady said :
sorry !! ....I almost forgot !!!
she jumped up , out of bed,
clapped her hands twice
clicked her fingers,
and shouted " Ole !! "
and shouted " Ole !! "
She went back to bed and said :
there you are !!
that was the Spanish-special....extra.
that was the Spanish-special....extra.
How come I remembered this joke 40 years later ??
It happened , when I heard President Obama in Cairo,
during his speech saying : " Al Salam Alaykom...."
he reminded me of the Prostitute shouting " Ole !!"
Because after all , Obama´s speech in Cairo ,
was not better than any other Bush-speech
but only Obama has added " Al Salam Alaykom......" to it ,
like the protitute who added the " Ole "
Beware of politics............... and of brothels !!
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