Saturday, May 23

Why does Israel get to investigate crimes and deliver justice (if any) committed against Palestinians?

This is just another case to add to the list of murder, mayhem and everything thing else in the quest for the total removal of Palestinians by Israel. In this case 2 IDF soldiers are stealing money, jewelry from West Bank house.

Two Givati Brigade soldiers have been arrested on suspicion of stealing jewelry and money from the home of a West Bank resident last November. The two took part in bring down the resistance movement or the Gaza Holocaust but they like to call it Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip and were arrested following a development in a Military Investigating Police probe.

One of the soldiers confessed to his involvement in the incident but Israeli officials still use the words to the press - arrested under suspicion. The soldier had his remand he is currently under extended by five days. His fellow fighter and partner in crime ( like most that are guilty in Israel) denied being involved and was released to detention in his unit. The investigation into the incident continues like others : all being investigated by Israel itself and not by who they should be: The World Court , with people who are not controlled by Zionist.

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