Friday, May 29

A Tool for Reaching Obama voters on Palestine!

As you know, many Obama voters know very little about Palestine.

Because of this lack of awareness, progressive opposition to American policies supporting Israeli crimes remains far smaller than would be expected given the ruthlessness and racism of Israeli oppression.

However, the good news is that over half of the electorate voted for a candidate that specifically represented opposition to racism, oppression, and injustice -- and these voters, therefore, are extremely reachable when given the facts on Palestine.

It is up to us to give them this information! When we educate and motivate them on Palestine, AIPAC's powerful influence over US policies will begin to end.

Accordingly, we have created a half-page flyer for people to print out and place on the windshields of cars bearing Obama bumper stickers, on the front steps of homes with Obama signs, and to pass out at peace vigils and anti-war events and rallies. We should blanket progressive communities around the country with these!

The majority of Americans voted for change -- let's help them make it.

NOTE about using this flyer:

1. At the bottom of the back page, we have included a space for you to add the website (or other contact info) for your local group. (If you don't have a local organization, please insert, and we will provide people with a list of activist groups in the area they may wish to join.)

To add this information, open the flyer with Adobe Acrobat Reader, a program that is available free to both PC and Mac users ( ). You then will be able to type your website in the field next to "To work on this issue." Don't forget to add your website to both the top flyer and the bottom flyer.

(Mac Users: You can also do this in preview, but the text will be better placed and more readable if you use Adobe Acrobat Reader, so we recommend that you use that program.)

2. Print it out front and back, then cut it in half, producing two flyers per page!

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