Wednesday, May 6

*New Booklet to counter AIPAC falsehoods*

Once again, AIPAC's national gathering is taking place in Washington DC. As usual, this powerful lobby for Israel is working to push for US policies that are immoral, violent, profoundly self-destructive, and that perpetuate the tragic bloodshed in the region.

A key component of AIPAC's propaganda strategy for garnering American money and support is the falsehood that such massive assistance for Israel is in American national interests.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

We have expanded one of our very first booklets into what we feel is one of the clearest, most thorough discussions of "The Cost of Israel to the American People." (See below.)

We urge you to order these booklets in large numbers and distribute them widely. Given the current financial crisis in this country, this information will be extremely powerful to get to Americans!

In the past, we have supplied all our booklets free of charge to people willing to work to disseminate them on their campuses and communities but who could not afford to pay for them. In addition, we have provided these highly informative materials for free at speaking engagements all across the country.

Sadly, our financial situation is now so desperate that we will no longer be able to do this -- unless committed donors come forward who can help subsidize this important project.

We believe deeply that providing this information to Americans is one of the most effective activities we can all do to bring justice and peace. But to continue our work we need your help!! Please donate all that you can, so that we can continue this critical project. We are a 501C3 organization -- all donations are tax deductible.

Order our other booklets:


If Americans Knew
6312 SW Capitol Hwy, #163
Portland, OR 97239
(202) 631-4060

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