Monday, April 27

Turkey, Lebanon arms deal irks Israel

Obama had "not bothered" to inform Israel of the weapons deal.

Washington's reported green light to Turkey to proceed with a large-scale weapons sale to the Lebanese army has irked Israeli echelons.

Citing unnamed senior Israeli military circles, Israel's Debkafile website with close links to the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, said the deal has "staggered" Israeli officials, who had expected to be informed of the development from either Turkey or the United States.

The arms deal which was signed in the Turkish capital on Tuesday, also includes" the services of Turkish military instructors," Debkafile claimed last week.

"Our sources note that neither Washington nor Ankara bothered to inform Israel of the transaction or its scope," it said.

Israeli military sources, the report continues, fear that "a Lebanese army, well-trained and armed by Turkey" could threaten "Israel's security."

This is while, during Israel's 60 year of existence Tel Aviv has waged two wars on Lebanon, causing wide spread death and destruction.

In 1982, Israeli Defense Forces invaded southern Lebanon, after it claimed a mercenary organization opposed to the PLO had conducted the failed assassination attempt on Tel Aviv's envoy to the United Kingdom, Shlomo Argov.

It is estimated that around 17,825 Lebanese were killed during the war, which ended a year later when Tel Aviv and Beirut agreed to end hostilities if an Israeli withdrawal is secured. Israel, however, kept troops in a "security zone" in the south until May 2000.

Israel fought a 33-day war against Hezbollah in the summer of 2006 to destroy the military power of the Lebanese resistance.

Tel Aviv was eventually forced to leave the region without achieving any of its objectives, only to suffer a humiliating defeat by the resistance movement in the area.

The carnage destroyed most of Lebanon's infrastructure and claimed the lives of more than 1,200 Lebanese -- mainly civilians -- and more than 160 Israelis -- mostly soldiers.

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