Thursday, March 26

Video : a famous song by a four-year old Arab child

Check out This song by a 4 Year Old Arab Child

It is a famous song by a four-year old Arab child.This song was very popular in the 80s.We grew up listening to her songs. All of us (Arab children in the 80s) sang along "Give us our childhood, Give us Peace".From the 80s until now , nothing has changed except the fact that more wars were started .This video goes to the children in war-torn areas. In this Eid , we still remember you , children of Palestine.
"Attuna Al-Tufulah , Attuna Al-Salam" a song by Rimi Bandali. An Arab child singing in 3 languages Arabic , French and English.
"Attuna A-Tufula , Attuna Al-Salam"
"Give us our childhood, Give us Peace"
"Sauvez l'enfance"
"Jina Naidkum Bi Al-Eid "
ً"We came to greet you for the coming of your Eid"
Bi Al-Eid Nis'alkum Laish Mafy A'na La A'eyad wla Zinah "
Asking why we don't have Eid or ornaments like you?
Ya Aalm Ardhy Mahrogah
O People of the world, my land is burning!
Ardh Al-Huryah Masroga
The land of freedom is stolen!
smana amtihlam wa btisa'l alayam
Our sky is dreaming and our days are asking:
wayn alshams alhilwah ?
Where is the beautiful sun?
wa rfof al-hamam?
Where is the flap of doves?
Ya Aalm Ardhy Mahrogah
O People of the world, my land is burning!
Ardh Al-Huryah Masroga
The land of freedom is stolen!

Ardhy sagheerah Mithly sagheerah
My land is small, small like me
Attuna Al-Salam wa Attuna Al-Tufulah!
Give us peace and give us our childhood!
Attuna Al-Tufulah ...Attuna Al-Tufulah
Give us our childhood...Give us our childhood!
Attuna Al-Tufulah ...Attuna Al-Tufulah
Give us our childhoodGive us our childhood!
Give us Give us,
Attuna Al-Salam
Give us Peace!

The English Lyrics:
I am a child with something to say
Please listen to me,
I am a child who wants to play, why don't you let me?
My doors are waiting
My friends are praying
Small hearts are begging
Give us a chance
Give us a chance
Give us a chance
Give us a chance
Give us a chance
Please Please
Give us a chance!
Give us our childhoodGive us our childhood
Give us our childhoodGive us our childhood
Give us Give us,
Give us PEACE!

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