Monday, February 16

Appeal letter on behalf of citizens affected by the conflict‏

This is some feedback regarding a call for an appeal letter that is here

Dear Friends,

Nearly three weeks have passed since the fighting between Israelis and Palestinians began in the Gaza Strip. The suffering and devastation are great. The number of Palestinians and Israelis killed and wounded is insurmountable. The trauma, pain, and wounds inflicted are not fleeting. Both Palestinian and Israeli believers are caught in the midst of the crisis.

While both peoples are plagued by a lack of security, there is a severe and critical lack of fresh water, food, fuel for cooking, electricity, medicine, clothing and blankets in Gaza. Children in southern Israel are unable to attend school, hindering many from preparing for their matriculation exams and many of the elderly are unable to leave their homes to purchase the necessary supplies they need to survive.

We believe it is our call as believers to intervene and do what we can in this situation. This is why we are submitting a letter of appeal to our brothers and sisters around the world that if the Lord lay on your heart to take action you would be willing to give in one of the following areas.

Some of the physical and emotional needs we are hoping to provide are:

1.) Food & Clothing

2.) Blankets

3.) Medicine

4.) Teaching on dealing with trauma, especially for children

5.) Helping restore relationships

6.) Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians

We ask you to please keep this grave situation in your prayers. This appeal is put forth by Musalaha Director Salim Munayer and Beit Asaph Pastor Evan Thomas. We are working in partnership with Life Agape, the Shepherd’s Society, Bethlehem Bible College, the Palestinian Bible Society and with the Evangelical Alliance Church’s Gaza Relief Action Team. They will be channeling these goods through Gaza Baptist Church. Beit Asaph will appeal to the Messianic congregations in Israel to also participate in this initiative and reach out to the torn communities in southern Israel.

If you wish to help during this humanitarian crisis, you can make a donation via paypal through our website, Please specify that the fund is designated towards helping those affected by the war.

We ask that you continue to uplift this situation in your prayers that Lord would intervene and bring his peace to both people groups.

In Him,

Salim J. Munayer and Evan Thomas

You may send donations to one of the following addresses:

Reconciliation Ministries

PO Box 238

Medina, WA 98039-0238


The Andrew Christian Trust

Rockwood, Storth Road, Sandside

Milnthorpe, Cumbria



Feed back is as followsRe: Appeal letter on behalf of citizens affected by the conflict‏(!!!)

We are shocked that PalestinianChristians with most of the articles they write or quote and circulate are in the defense of or in support of our uprooted Palestinian Arab people, we repeat why do they circulate such an appeal letter on behalf of the so-called “citizens affected by the conflict”, noting that the racist extreme occupiers (Nota bane, all Zionist are extremists for why they are in occupied Palestine) are included among the citizens of occupied Palestine!!!

We were shocked to read your message entitled: Appeal letter on behalf of citizens affected by the conflict‏,

In which you who are calling yourself “Musalaha” wrote:

“While both peoples are plagued by a lack of security, there is a severe and critical lack of fresh water, food, fuel for cooking, electricity, medicine, clothing and blankets in Gaza. Children in southern Israel are unable to attend school, hindering many from preparing for their matriculation exams and many of the elderly are unable to leave their homes to purchase the necessary supplies they need to survive.”

Many Palestinians were massacred; so they don’t need to purchase supplies to survive, this is if those who survived the Palestinian holocaust in Arabic “al-mahraka” that is similar to the Hebrew word, have the money to buy these supplies, of course because they were besieged and their sources of income were demolished by those who cannot prepare for their Matriculations exams!!!

First of all what “musalaha” that means in English “conciliation”!!! “Conciliation” with whom, just listen ladies and gentlemen, to the speeches of the candidates running for the Knesset (Zionist parliament) who are competing in showing who hate and want to kill more Arabs more than his or her competitors, and aren’t you aware why this savage, criminal and racist war that was waged on our starved to death citizens of Gaza, this war was waged just a short time before the elections to show that Levni and Barak are more extremist than Netanyahu and each other, and kill more Palestinian Arabs and demolish more of their properties…

How do you compare the hardships “suffered” by the invader to the real sufferings of the invaded, the assassins with the assassinated, the besieger with the besieged, the one who starves and the starved, the occupier with the occupied, the thieves who stole the land, the history, and the future of the owners the indigenous population of one’s own land with their victim.

How do you compare the killing in just 22 days of 1350 children, Women and men, wounding about 5500 people, and devastating and demolishing thousand of houses, schools, a university, factories, business units, grazed fields, destroying poultry farms and uprooting thousands of fruit bearing trees, , worship places irrespective whether it is Moslem or Christian, warehouses with their contents of food products meant to be distributed to a starved people by the same invader etc. with “Children in southern “Israel” are unable to attend school, hindering many from preparing for their matriculation exams and many of the elderly are unable to leave their homes to purchase the necessary supplies they need to survive.” These children and boys who want to prepare for their exams whether it is Matriculation or whatever else, and those who cannot leave their houses (at least they are still alive and sometime later unlike the elderly Arabs who can never leave their homes and return to them simply because either their houses were demolished or they are no more alive. Those people all over occupied Palestine have built their lives on a stolen land from the millions of Palestinian Arab refugees who are denied their inalienable Right of Return to their homes and land. which those invaders changed its name from Palestine to “Israel”?! Do you know that these people in the south of occupied Palestine are going to vote on February 10th to who declares to be most racist among his fellow invaders of Arab Palestine.

The writer proceeds: “Messianic congregations in Israel to also participate in this initiative and reach out to the torn communities in southern Israel.” Don’t you think that it would be enough for the for Palestinian Arabs to just leave them alone then they shall never need any body’s charity especially Messianic to whatever Zionist organization they belong. As for those colonizers in southern occupied and all over it they had stolen enough of Palestinian Arab wealth to not need charity, or better go back to their homelands where they can live in security and more abundantly, that is eat their full there.

We wonder if the author and those who circulated this appeal are familiar with Zionist occupation forces policy, ideology and philosophy they follow when dealing with the occupied Arab Palestinians that are being invaded and assassinated frequently on and off, Amos Harel wrote in Haaretz on 06/02/2009 an article entitled: “ philosopher who gave the IDF moral justification in Gaza” reading:

* “Prof. Asa Kasher of Tel Aviv University, an Israel Prize laureate in philosophy, is the philosopher who told the IDF that it was possible. In a recent interview with Haaretz Kasher said the army operated in accordance with a code of conduct developed about five years ago for fighting terrorism.

"The norms followed by the commanders in Gaza were generally appropriate," Kasher said. In Kasher's opinion there is no justification for endangering the lives of soldiers to avoid the killing of civilians who live in the vicinity of terrorists. (By terrorist the so-called historian professor means Palestinian Arab resistance fighters!!!) According to Kasher, IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi "has been very familiar with our principles from the time the first document was drafted in 2003 to the present."

Kasher developed a special Kosher philosophy for IOF that means invade, kill and kill any body around to avoid the killing of even one of its invading soldiers.

We don’t have to ask why Zionists are there to be targeted by the invaded indigenous population, the Palestinian Arab resistance to Zionist occupation.

An uprooted Palestinian Arab in exile

Adib S. Kawar

Appeal letter on behalf of citizens affected by the conflict‏(!!!)

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