Thursday, January 8

Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire calls for Israeli War crimes tribunal

Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire has today written to the UN
Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon and Father Miguel D'Escoto President of
United Nations General assembly adding her voice to the many calls from
International Jurists,Human rights Organizations, and individuals, for the UN General Assembly To seriously consider establishing an International Criminal Tribunalfor Israel(ICTI) in view of the ongoing Israeli atrocities against the people of Gaza and Palestine.

An ICTI can be established by the UN General Assembly as a 'subsidiary
organ' under article 22 of the UN Charter. Article 22 of the UN Charter
states the UN General Assembly may establish such subsidiary organs as it deems
necessary for the performance of its functions. The purpose of the ICTI
would be to investigate and Prosecute suspected Israeli war criminals for offences against the Palestinian people.

Maguire said:

"In November 2008 I visited Gaza and was shocked at the suffering of the people of
Gaza, being under 'siege' as they are for over two years. This collective punishment by the Israeli Government, has lead to a great humanitarian crisis. Collective punishment of the civilian community by the Israeli Government breaks the Geneva
Convention, is illegal and is a war crime and crime against humanity.

Instead of protecting the civilian community of Gaza and relieving their suffering
by lifting the 'siege', the Israeli military have carried out 7 days consecutive bombardment of civilians, by sea and air. Dropping Israeli bombs from the air and
sea on unarmed civilians, many women and children, destroying mosques,
hospitals, and and homes, and infrastructure, is illegal and constitutes war crimes. The deaths of people in Gaza is now over 600 (AND STILL COUNTING) with over 2,500 people injured - many women and children.

The infrastructure of Gaza has been destroyed, and the people cut off from the world - including journalists, Humanitarian workers, locked out of Gaza, and unable to go
to the aid of the people.

The UN must help uphold Human rights and Justice for Palestinian People, by seriously considering establishing an International criminal tribunal for Israel, (ICTI) in order that Israeli Gov., be held accountable for war crimes."

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